Hey everyone!
So roughly a week after my last update we have another! I'm trying to stick to my resolutions and post lots of lovely updates for your enjoyment.
A brief post for the moment just giving you a snapshot of what lies on my painting table and a glimpse of what models you can expect to appear in posts soon.
Here we are mid way through painting the main colour on the tanks. Just a couple more drybrushes to go and then it'll be on to all the detail.
Here is the Baneblade at the Baylor brown stage of painting. Don't worry it usually looks it a bit yellowy at this stage.
Here we see the mortar teams (years overdue) the remaining 5 lifeguards and the two almost finished riflemen.
Here we have the bullgryns lurking behind the Highland Scions. I'm very much looking forward to painting these guys.
In my next post I will have some more painted models for you!
Thanks for reading
What’s on the painting table?
by Colonel Winterborne | Jan 13, 2015