As the Anglo Saxons in Saga specialise in the use of levies, it seemed only fair to include a unit of them in my four point warband. 

Like their leader, they received dull red, green and off white clothing, and similarly coloured shields, without patterns. 

A couple of figures were given blue or yellow tunics, and some shields were painted brown, to make them seem less uniform. The warriors will stick more closely to the red/green/white colour scheme.

The figures are all Gripping Beast plastic Dark Ages Warriors, except for the helmeted heads which came from their Saxon Thegns box.  

They were based on one pence pieces, in my usual temperate style. The smaller bases allow for closer ranking of troops, and suit the slightly skinnier figures better than two pence pieces would.

I'm planning at some point to extend my warband to six points, with the addition of another unit of levies, and another eight warriors, to expand my warrior units to twelve men apiece.