I decided to try a list of things I am looking at doing for 2015 to serve as a did I get everything done I wanted to when I look at it next year.

Laser Cutting

I started the year off hitting the laser cutter and had a blast. Started with a test run of my Silhouette markers and command tokens. 
Need some additional work but happy with the progress and very happy with the suggestions and help from my gaming group.


Infinity 3e is top of the pecking order.  Had a blast with 2e and I think 3 e will be even better.  Hoping to improve my rating (ended ITS2014 ranked 43 in the US out of roughly 420). I have still yet to play a game of 3e but looking forward to getting a game in before the first tournament at the end of January.

I did get a game of Malifaux in last week.  It was a blast and I really enjoyed it.  I will probably play in the Story Encounter this year at NOVA again.  It was a nice time and very relaxing.

NOVA's Schedule came out and looks like two ITS matches and one campaign.  I would like to see more Infinity events but it is what it is.

I actually got Zombiecide for Christmas and played a game with the kids.  I loved it.  The kids had a blast and they worked together.

All in all, I am looking at a great 2015 and enjoying the hobby.  Best wishes to all of you.