Spent a few hours at Titan Games today to build some gribblies! Man these monsters are AWESOME! 

Dimachaeron all ready to wreck face

Even its belly is engineered to consume. YIKES! 

As I love to work on a few models simultaneously while waiting for the glue to set, I built the Barbed Heirodule too. I have always loved this model since it first hit Forgeworld a long time ago. I reckon it was early 2000's when I was just starting out my Tyranids.

So after securing some War Funds I took the plunge and ordered me a Barbed Heirodule. Love it!

Barbed Heirodule

It even comes with the base! 
Few parts, easy to put together and just awesome lizard like model.

Another interesting thing happened today too. I had the pleasure of meeting Mark and Edward at Titan. Mark knew about Titan due to this very blog! I am really glad we are making a difference in the gaming landscape here in the sunny island of Singapore. And then when I was introduced to Edward, he said "oh you're Raymond Tan!" and seemed like he knew me from this blog too!

Really glad to have you guys come back often and I hope to see you guys for the Slow Burn League too!