Hey guys over the weekend I finally finished the entire OrcOgre tribe completing it utterly with more movement trays and maneaters. What a fun and challenging project this has been. Creatively it has been one of the best things I have ever produced, really put my heart and soul into, a true labour of love!

You may not know that I had a bad accident earlier this year while cycling and this was one of the projects I decided to undertake in my recovery months. With being unable to go out and exercise (or even just to the shops!) I spent most of my waking time painting this army. 2014 was a very up and down year for me and this army was certainly one of the highs. Now that it is sold (to the brilliant Steve Follows!) it has also helped pay for my wedding later this year. Will really miss the army but I know it is going to a great home :)

All this got me to thinking will I ever be able to turn out another army like this again? Where every model is painted to the highest standard I can produce? Or was this a stepping stone to my next project where I take what I have learned and build upon it? Have you ever painted a whole army to your utterly best standard? Would/Could you?

Some thoughts to mull over while you plan your next army!