It's been a very busy week for me but I should really have mentioned this, Ogres won the UK masters, generalled by Tom Mawdsley. Tom played well throughout the weekend and for that matter though out the year, championing the triple stonehorn list (I'm planning on trying less ambitious double rare stonehorn list later in the year). Tom's list was a respectable 10.3 under the swedish comp system which is identical to the score I am taking to the Falkirk Free for All at the end of February (although I am using a very different list). His list is below for those who are interested! Big Congrats to Tom for winning it!

Player: Tom Mawdsley

1 Slaughtermaster @ 340pts (-32)

General; Lore of Heavens, Magic Level 4

Talisman of Preservation, Ironcurse Icon, Warrior Bane

1 Bruiser @ 205pts (-22)

Battle Standard Bearer, Heavy Armour, Great Weapon

Rune Maw

1 Butcher @ 134pts (-12)

Lore of the Great Maw, Magic Level 1, Great Weapon

Dispel Scroll

1 Butcher @ 105pts (-5)

Lore of Death, Magic Level 1

Tormentor Sword

6 Ironguts w/ Full Command, Look-Out Gnoblar, Standard of Discipline @ 308pts (-23)

3 Ogres w/ Ironfists @ 96pts (-6)

3 Ogres w/ Ironfists @ 96pts (-6)

10 Gnoblars w/ Trappers @ 50pts (-2)

10 Gnoblars w/ Trappers @ 50pts (-2)

4 Leadbelchers w/ Musician @ 182pts (-13)

2 Mournfang Cavalry w/ Musician, Heavy Armour, Ironfists @ 150pts (-12)

2 Mournfang Cavalry w/ Musician, Heavy Armour, Ironfists @ 150pts (-18)

1 Gorger @ 90pts (-4)

1 Sabertusk @ 21pts (-2)

1 Stonehorn @ 250pts (-15)

1 Ironblaster @ 170pts (-23)

Total Army Cost – 2,397pts