Los geht’s: Die Necrons überzeugen wahrscheinlich eher durch ihre inneren Werte. Sie werden wohl relativ nah an dem bleiben, was man kennt. Und zwar im Sinne der Figuren und auch der Regeln (abgesehen von den wilden Formationsregeln), wenn man die aktuelle Gerüchtelage ernst nehmen darf.
Anders und sicherlich mit vielen neuen Ideen und Regeln werden die Harlequine daherkommen! Nun sind erste Regelfetzen und eine Releaseliste für die nächste Woche durchgesickert, so dass wir uns endlich ein Bild vom Umfang und Charakter des neuen “Codex” machen können. Bisher sieht es eher wie ein White Dwarf Update aus…Leider ist auch über das neue Transportsfahrzeug “Skyweaver” noch nichts bekannt geworden.
Immerhin gibt es schonmal ein erstes verpixeltes Bild:
Regarding Harlequin Solitaire:
A new Solitaire model. He is in a dynamic pose leaping into the air with one hand out front and his harlequin caress hidden from his target reared back ready to strike the final blow. the model is supported by his jacket on the base. He has a high collar with a demon mask on his face complete with two horns.
WS9 BS9 T3 W3 A6
Holosuit, Harlequin’s caress, Harlequin’s kiss, flip beltSpecial Rules
deepstrike, eternal warrior, fear, fearless, fleet, furious charge, hit and run, precision strikes.Blitz- once per game can blitz. Roll a d6 equal to the turn number, and that is the distance he moves and ignores all models and terrain. When blitzing his attacks are increased to 10.
3+ invul save
Cannot ever be joined by another character, and cannot take warlord traits
Can move 12″ in the movement phase.Can take haywire
may take one item from the “Enigmas of the Black Library” listHarlequin caress S: user AP – ,melee, Caress of Death any 6 to hit causes an automatic wound regardless of of toughness at ap2, against vehicles a to hit of 6 auto glances
Harelquin kiss S: user AP- melee, kiss of death. One attack is a kiss of death, resolved at S6 ap2 and if a 6 is rolled its instant death
Flip belt- not slowed by difficult terrain and no penalty for charging through cover. also 2+ look out sir rolls.
Unit of harlequin troupes are 4 Players and a Troupe Master according to next week’s White Dwarf.
Holosuit, shuriken pistol, close combat weapon, plasma grenades, flip belt
Special Rules
Fear, fleet, furious charge, and hit and run
Can include up to 7 additional Players
any model can take a fusion pistol or neuro disruptor 12″ S1 AP2 fleshbane
Upgrades are a harlequin’s embrace-S: user AP- melee embrace of death gives d3 hammer of wrath attacks at S6, harlequins kiss, and harlequins caress. Any model can upgrade
The Troupe Master can take one item from the Enigmas of the Black Library and can select a Starweaver as a dedicated transport.
Harlequin Troupe: 6 models $40
-Harlequin Solitaire: 1 model $26-The Masque of Vyle: by Andy Chambers Hardback 128pages $20
Also the hints for next week for issue 54 on Saturday 7 Feb
*The Dance Continues