BY: Ars Terra
Well, if you play Chaos Marines you need to read the new FAQ.

In one stroke of the pen GW has made the what troops to take a much easier decision for most CSM players.

Now that Slaanesh marines can take a cover denying S8 AP3 Blast Master for every 5 marines and two in a squad of 10 the troop section of the codex has something to cheer about.

This is good and bad. Good because it is a great unit. Bad because it just became an "auto-include" and cookie cutter lists may/will be easier to make.

With that in mind, worked a 2000 point list that makes a mockery of your cover saves and threatens anything without a 2+ save.

Lord, Mark of Slaanesh, brand of Skallathrax, bike, Vet, murder sword 170
5 Bikes, Mark of Slaanesh, 2 Melta, Combi Melta 170
6 Noise Marines, 4 Sonic Blasters, 1 Blast Master, Doom Siren, Rhino Havoc Launcher 226
6 Noise Marines, 4 Sonic Blasters, 1 Blast Master, Doom Siren, Rhino Havoc Launcher 226
6 Noise Marines, 4 Sonic Blasters, 1 Blast Master, Doom Siren, Rhino Havoc Launcher 226
6 Noise Marines, 4 Sonic Blasters, Doom Siren, Rhino Havoc Launcher 186
Hel Drake with Bale Flamer 170
Hel Drake with Bale Flamer 170
5 Havocs, 3 Auto Cannons, Rhino w/Havoc launcher 152
5 Havocs, 3 Auto Cannons, Rhino w/Havoc launcher 152
Two Oblits, Mark of Nurgle 152
Total 2000 points

If you want to squeeze in another Blast Master..divert from 6 Noise Marines and only take 5...this would also give you points for the fourth Blast Master and either 10 cultists or extra auto cannons.

I made the lord about the same price as Lucious, so can change back and forth if you prefer. I also made the bike squad the same price as a HelDrake if you want to spam 3 of them. You'll notice my Havoc squads are the same price as two MoN Oblits for the same interchangeability.

In reality, I don't know why someone would not want at least one Slaanesh squad in any CSM list with this FAQ.

I know all Slaanesh devotees are writhing in ecstasy.

Thanks for the read,