Today the Jailbirds get some support from Secret Weapon in the form of their 6x6 wheeled Rapid Assault Vehicle (RAV).

This will fulfill the primary "Tank" role for the Jailbirds in keeping with the plan to field them as a Light/Medium weight force with a largely wheeled vehicle fleet.

The RAV is shown in all the variant weapon configurations.  There are 7 main weapon choices and 2 hull mounted secondary weapon choices.  For the Play list I'll write these up based around the Chimera hull with some "Expeditionary" (lighter) variations on the Lehman Russ main weapons and a reduced transport capacity (4 or 6) to compensate for the focus on the primary "Tank" role as well as using them to replace the Hellhound and its variations.  Basically I want to take advantage of all the weapon options the kit offers.

I've used and Anarchy symbol as the squadron badge here and will likely add one more of these next time I make a Secret Weapon restock.

 These are weathered with Secret Weapon Washes and Forge World Powders.  The powders make a good dirt/mud treatment.

I still visualize the Jailbirds as an ad-hoc force with very informal organization so the vehicles tend to be named rather than numbered.

The RAV has a nice angled profile and is very textured so it doesn't really require a lot of flat art.
 I experimented with the idea that these are aluminum based alloy, or similar, so weathering was more shiny than corroded, except for the exhaust system.

Prepping regular Jailbird troopers now ... zoom zoom!