Ok, so top picture is my painting/building/hobby desk (that the wife uses just about as often as I do), bottom picture is one of those cool Micheal's $10 trays that I use to move/store/build things with when I can't use my desk.
I've got a little bit more than 2000 points here, depending on wargear - and assuming I can use 2 Force Org Charts (I've got 4 Elites). The army I'm building/playing/painting for the escalation league is 1999 points using the following. I've also got an extra Lictor...
- Hive Tyrant - Lash Whip & Bone Sword, TL Devourer w/Brainleech, Regeneration, Armored Shell, Hive Commander (in metal)
- 3 Tyrant Guard - Scything Talons and Rending Claws (2 in metal, one resin)
- Tyranid Prime - Lash Whip & Bone Sword, Scything Talons (plastic warrior with resin weapons from the TG blister)
- 3 Hive Guard (resin)
- Doom of Malan'tai in Mycetic Spore (2nd ed metal zoanthrope and the armorcast pod)
- 8 Ymgarl Genestealers (6 Chapterhouse heads, 2 plastic "Zoidberg" heads
- 12 Hormagaunts
- 5 Tyranid Warriors - 4 Devourers, 1 Barbed Stranger - all with Scything Talons
- 23 Termagants - Fleshboarers
- Tervigon
- 10 Termagants in Mycetic Spore - Devourers
- 4 Ripper Swarms - Tunnel Swarm
- 10 Gargoyles
- Mawloc - Regeneration and Toxin Sacs
- 3 40mm Objective Markers