Well, I did not meet my January challenge.

I did complete the scout biker unit of 3 for $45.

I only got about 2/3 done with my Captain and did not touch anything else.

So, that leaves me $30 for January to add to February. With January calculations, post found HERE

I have $180 going into February.

So my Challenge is to:

Finish my Captain/Chapter Master : $15
Finish 5 Scouts (OOP) : $15
Finish my LSS (started pre-challenge): $35
Repaint my relic Predator : $25
Convert & Paint 1-4 more Inq. Servitors : $3-$10

If I get that far, I will start on my Bike Squad (5 with 2 Grav guns $60) with MM AB ($30)...Likely this will be my March Challenge.

I put up a Detlof display case for myself as an incentive. So, I need to bang this out!

This comes in at $100 or so for February...with the Bike squad coming in at $90 if I get that far.
