Well at last I have time to post a blog update.

Christmas and January have been a particularly hectic timer in my household. I have had relatives over from Canada, relatives down from "Up-North" and once Christmas was complete we got this new addition to the clan (chapter)

As I write this she is over twice the size she was in these photos!

As you can see my time for the hobby has been seriously reduced. thus the late posting of a completed Loth.

here he is with his honour guard

I still need to complete a bit more of the details but they are solid enough for the moment. I will go back at some point in the future and do more detailing.

I have also got back some masters of the chapter I received for a birthday in 2013. My brothered had painted one of them so I thought it only fair for him to paint the other 3

and finally here they are with the first one

Here are all 10 of my chapter masters

I was in Manchester the other day and popped by the Arndale GW. Wow they really have put the effort in that shop. how many points for this?

And finally what am i working on next? I have just tidied up and under-coated another tactical squad (10th..). i used my FW free postage voucher to buy Ashmantle the Salamander Dread. and i also picked up this fella as a bodyguard for one of my Inquisitors

Hopefully puppy will calm down a bit so i can get on with some solid painting.

My 2015 aim is to clear the back log of unpainted models before I buy "too much" new stuff....we'll have to see how that goes