THANK YOU FOR ALL OF THE KIND WORDS, WELL WISHES, THOUGHTS, AND PRAYERS.  I'm still very tired and weak at the moment, but at home.

Had surgery Feb. 10, was in the ICU most of the following day and left the hospital 3 days after the surgery, 11 hour surgery, the surgical team had estimated that would take about 6 hours. Pretty grueling on the body, the surgical team of 5 doctors, and especially the family.  

The surgery used sacrificed all of the hearing in my left ear in order to get at an Acoustic Neuroma, tumor, and essentially peel it away, through microsurgery. Only got about 95% of the tumor, so as not risk further damage to my facial nerves.  It is a Schwannoma tumor, which could come back, MRI in 3 months to check on it.  But now that its a smaller it gives more options to deal with it, and gives me a chance to recover movement in the left side of my face, which of course the left eye is the largest concern.  Walking slowly and doing some knee lifts and minor one leg balance exercise occassionally, a bit unsteady, and slow. Mind is sharp, just speech is slow from the numbness.

But I have noticed progress in just a few days.  ENT specialist thought 90% chance of recovery in 3 months. Lead neuro-surgeon thought more like 6 months with possibly full recovery in year.