Well, its been the biggest (geek) project I have ever undertaken, coming in at over 3 months (starting on 05/11/2014 and finishing on 18/02/2015) worth of planning, prepping, building and painting, but the Chaos Warhound is finally complete! I kind of wish I had a mini bottle of champagne to launch it with...

I'm going to try and get some good photos taken when I can (its a bit too big for the normal A3 background and daylight bulb...), but I couldn't not share a few pics now could I???
 I'm really happy how she turned out in the end  - loads of care went into it and I only hope that if I can get her onto the tabletop she doesn't get blown to pieces in two turns (which tbh, is going to happen...).
I hope you like the name - was a bit of an easy choice and compliments Siph's Canis Bellum and Canis Praetor Warhounds. I think will also have to follow his lead on storage solutions...

So now that I have an empty hole in my life after only working on this for so long, I need to work out what to do next... I have lots of fun toys in the backlog, as well a pile of Dark Vengeance Cultists I ashamedly keep using despite them being unpainted...of course there is always the other Warhound...