Nick speaking,

Following on from my first post of converting up my old Pods to look like the new model, and I have done some more work on the tentacles on the base. I plan on painting the tentacles black with yellow tips, so to give me some extra colour to them I added a few dots for me to also paint yellow...

I then started work on the guns, cutting off the front sections of some Death Spitters and Barbed Stranglers I had. Adding magnets to the ends. I then made some green stuff sockets on the pod for the guns to fit into...

Hopefully these will look pretty cool once I have them painted up, and I plan on making a Venom Canon option as well...

Here is how it is looking at the moment. I am going to add a few tentacles to the sides at the bottom to finish it off. I think I will magnetise these on as well to keep storage problems to a minimal. More to come in the next update...