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This Beer & Bolters 40k Podcast is brought to you by: ● Beer & Bolters 40K o Facebook: o YouTube: ● Tabled Miniatures Paint Studio o Facebook: o Individually tailored miniature painting commissions – we only paint at the top levels, because you deserve the best! ● Defending Our Myths and Heroes o Facebook: o Defending Our Myths And Heroes is dedicated to doing just that. Our mission is twofold. Part one: Preserving the image of what DMH considers to be our modern day myths. To us Batman and Superman are the modern day King Arthur. We do this with respecting the characters in every way we interpret them. Contest: Character creation contest! We want you to homebrew your own unique, special character. Be sure to include: · A fluffy backstory · A description (or picture) of what your character looks like · A full statline for your unique character, including special rules, psychic powers, warlord traits, weapons, points, etc. Remember, the goal is to create a character that you would want to play with, as well as against; so we wouldn’t recommend making your character game-breakingly powerful, or laughably weak! Make it good enough to use, but not necessarily an “auto-include” for your faction! If we decide that we like your character the best, we’ll: · Model and paint it for you · Create a unique unit entry and get it printed up for you · MAYBE find a way to have Uncle Skullface sketch up a cool illustration for you Whispers from the Warp (News & Rumors): ● New Bloodthirster Model! o $116 MSRP o Pre-Orders begin on 28FEB2015 o Actual release is 07MAR2015 o o The 28FEB2015 WD contains the rules for the 3 Warhammer Fantasy variants, perhaps this indicates that there will be several variants in the 40k universe! o Warhammer Fantasy Variants: ▪ Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirster ▪ Bloodthirster of Unfettered Fury ▪ Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage ● Plastic 30k/Horus Heresy o Looking like a MAY2015 release ï GW employees may not take leave in May (this is typical) o LotR and Hobbit products will likely shift to non-retail/special order business models o Plastic Horus Heresy/30k product line is likely a precautionary measure to protect the company, should the WHFB changeup fail o