Such a huge kit... and quite a bit of fun to paint up. An interesting piece to say the least, and one that I tried a few different tactics on.

But let's start at the beginning... build, and prime.

The fit for it is great actually. Very little work on the joins needed, and only one piece really needed to be filled in. But there were a few mold lines that I have to shave down. And this is not resin that you want to be sucking in if at all possible.

Black Primer with a white shadow thrown onto it. Thought here was to make the light source come from in front of him... not sure it worked in the very end, but it was a shot at doing it all the same!

I painted the skin with Tamiya colors. The thought here being since it was such a large model I would need quite a bit of paint to cover it. Thing is that the Tamiya has great coverage, but comes out mad shiny! Really was not expecting that.. not at all! But I would dilute the shiny with some Vallejo Green to layer it down.

From here you can see the shiny has gone down significantly with the Vallejo coverage, and then the padding, wraps, and shell got their base coats applied. This time by brush. Coverage was crap over such a large piece, and it took quite a few swipes to make it happen.

The purple I went for on Donnie here was super strong though. And I think it really works well for him and the cartoon look that he has on him.

At this point I realized that it needs to have a black oil wash in order to really make the piece pop. And it will help with the pieces such as the wraps and padding.

The base plate was really fun to paint up cause I basically just layered on a single color and then drybrushed the hell out of it with light grey and white. The newspapers were written with some New York and Daily News type titles. And the pizza.. which is not the greatest sculpt piece of the bunch.

So the only thing I need to do to the base, and the model itself is again the oil wash. Which will make the entire thing stand out more.. I hope! Though I will need to remove some of the oils I believe though cause I will only want it within the crevices of the piece and not to darken the entire piece.

Future Mr Lee problem on that though... cause I suspect there will be some trial and many errors when I get to that point of the model.. in the meantime he sits on my bigger projects shelf..

Some decent pieces, some easy pieces, some very difficult pieces that will get work on at some point throughout this year :D