This week I have been mostly making Space Wolves Terminators with Storm Shields.

Arjac Rockfist... His arms crumbled in my hands. It was bad. Another example of Games Workshop 'Failcast'.

But thankfully his body was okay and the head of his Hammer was fine too.

Some replacement plastic arms, a shield, swap the head of the hammer over and I actually like this model far better.

I had to order some extra arms and shields, because there aren't quite enough in the Space Wolves Terminators box. I also wanted the shields to match.

The two Lone Wolves were really easy and good fun to build.

The Wolf Guard Pack Leader with the Storm Shield and Combi-Melta was a little more tricky, but here's the Combi-Melta Conversion Guide if you need to make one yourself.

I had an absolute blast making my Wolf Lord.

I'd decided early on that I wanted a Wolf Lord in Terminator Armour with a Chainfist and a Storm Shield, but I needed to find parts that would make him truly unique.

The left arm (with 'Stealer Spine) is from a Space Hulk Terminator, with the Chainfist carefully cut from a Space Wolves Chainfist, before the Space Hulk Power Fist was trimmed until it fit nicely.

The head is from the Marauder Horsemen box.

The huge Storm Shield is from the Stormfang kit. I got a Space Marine Vanguard Storm Shield and cut the hand out with a thin square of plastic behind it. I super glued this into the back of the Stormfang Storm Shield with some Green Stuff to fill the gap.

The wolf cloak is the one from the Space Wolves Terminator box, but trimmed back with clippers to actually fit. I'll come back and sculpt some fur on it along with the trimmed areas on the Stormfang Storm Shield.

I used the right arm Space Wolf Terminator arm that goes across the body (and usually holds a huge Frost Axe) and stuck the Vanguard Storm Shield to it. Yes, this is glue on upside down. But it's okay, because no one can actually see the detail!

Last, but not least, all of these models are stuck on Anvil Industry's fantastic City Rubble 40mm bases. They look terrible in these photos, but trust me, they're awesome once they're painted.

Please note that both unlike Wolf Guard and Lone Wolves, Wolf Lords and Wolf Guard Battle Leaders can replace any Terminator Weapon with a Storm Shield at +15/+25pts. It clearly says so at the bottom of their Codex entry.

Next up... more Grey Hunters.