This has been one heck of a long road for me. A commission that I started when I was still living in Turkey.

The last 2 figures for the collection were these lovely ladies. Both from the Khador range within the Privateer Press group. The brief for them was to make them red and green without making them look too christmas-y there. While also keeping them heavy in the armor sections.

So real metals as with the rest of the pieces in this collection, and also some new work on the reds and greens. I had fun painting these up though, even if they took me a lot longer than I was anticipating then.

I am happy with how the bronze sections came out though. Working with the Scale75 colors here, and working in some browns/blacks into the shadow folds. And then washing them with Army Painter Strong/Dark tones to tone them down a bit.

The base of the one on the left though also has one of my newly casted rock pieces. Yes.. I have attempted to cast something.. can't say the process was a complete success, but it is working nicely together. And I hope to make some more rocks, and other things, in time.

It will be a huge relief to be able to hand off the rest of the models back to their owner. My hope is that they are received well, and that he is happy with them, albeit a "bit" later received than originally intended.

But it is good to have so many projects being completed.. and I hope to keep the tread moving along! Let's see if I can keep the momentum here!