Over in the Arkham City Limits Facebook Group a copy of the new Batman Rulebook has appeared!
There has been some nice little hidden extras in there as well.

First up, the stat card for the Red Hood Joker exclusive model. The same rules as Arkham City Joker but a nice alternate card.

Next up is a new Trait, Corrupt. Looks like we will be getting some corrupt GCPD cops soon!
Could it be Com Loeb?

The final one for now (until more are found) is the one I'm the most excited about. The equipment list for a RIDDLER CREW! Yay! Can't wait to see what they do with this one.

Don't forget, we have a  big Knight Models giveaway going on at the moment. 5 blisters for 5 winners at 500K hits. You can find it >HERE<.

If I don't reply to any comments straight away, it's because I'm waiting by the door for my books to arrive!

- Hendybadger