The 200 points list is ready for combat:
1x Uruk-Hai Captain – Heavy Armour & Shield
5x Uruk-Hai Warrior – Shield
4x Uruk-Hai Warrior – Crossbow
3x Uruk-Hai Berserker
I am really curious to see how they will stand the test of battle, especially the Berserkers. After the completion of this project log’s step I will definitely go and paint something else during the next couple of painting sessions. Maybe something with a Bolter in its fist or maybe more dungeon related goodness? We’ll see…at least I made sure that there’s some more LotR stuff from Isengard around if the mood is kicking in again. The Isengard Troll is tempting or maybe I’ll go for the wild men of Dunland. Heavy is the Head that wears the (hobby) crown, hehe.