TIE Advanced Unboxing.

I finally get to be Darth Vader! 

So i managed to pick up another X-wing Miniatures game Exapnsion to go with my other X-Wing Expansion
I think its time to have a look at what you get in the set!

Here is the pack itself, i think it looks pretty snazzy, although i never used to be much of a fan of the look of the TIE Advanced.

Heres what you find when you open the pack...Its the usual Model, pack of Cards and Templates and a reference sheet. Handy stuff.

 First Off its the model itself, Its a rather good sculpt, no wobbly bits anywhere or bent and warped things! I'm Pleased.
Also the Paint apps are good enough. no need for a repaint!

Next up its the "Bag Of Goodies" you get in each set, these comprise of tokens and cards for use in your games of X-Wing. you get 2 punch out token sets, 4 pilot cards, 3 medal cards and 2 missile cards... Interesting stuff!

Here we can see those Punch out tokens, Its the Usual Pilot skill cards for the flying bases, shield tokens, (the TIE advanced has shields!) stress tokens etc, you get the drift! nothing unusual here..

Next up is the upgrade cards. These ones are the missiles, both are new to me and not included in either the base game or the X-Wing expansion. These are for use by the TIE advanced. both look nasty! double attacks with the cluster missiles or changing misses to hits with the concussion missiles... Choices Choices....

 Above are all the New Pilot Upgrade cards or Medal Cards.
We get: Squad leader for giving your ships extra actions, handy! Swarm tactics for increasing low level pilots abilities and Expert Handling for giving barrel rolls! Awesome.

 Here we can see the new pilot cards, with added upside down picture (why has it done that? and why cant i change it!) This set consists of two named pilots who are Darth Vader (Woot Sith time!) and Mareek Steele (is'nt he a porn star?) and two normal pilots.

Thats it for this expansion, i look forward to showing you the Y-Wing Expansion in the coming days!

I cant wait to get to use Darth Vader. It should be epic!

Have you played this game yet? if not, why not?

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