So this coming Friday, 2nd Lt Vincent Marlowe will once more be leading his 11th Platoon of C Company, 2nd Battalion of the 1st Airborne Regiment into battle.  After proving his abilities in the skirmish against the Wylsh rebels (for which he received the minor decoration of Mentioned in Dispatches), he's been intrusted with a larger force this time while probing the German lines.
Our Distinguished Hero, 2nd Lt Vincent Marlowe
2nd Lt Marlowe will  be accompanied once more by his two personal aides and runners with all three having Sten SMGs.  He'll have his A and B Sections led by Sgts Oliver Crowe and Andrew Jamieson, all armed with Enfield rifles and a Bren LMG.  C Section will be divided into two 5 man elements lead by Sgt Paul Halstead and Corporel Neville Barton, each armed fully with Sten SMGs and Anti-tank grenades.
Mortar Team with Spotter and the Machine Gun Team
1st Lt Willard Stowe will be present with two assistants as a Forward Observer for the Royal Artillery of the BEF.  Lt Andrew Candless of the RAF will also be along as a Forward Observation Officer with a pair of paratrooper bodyguards.  A Medium Mortar Team and Medium Machine Gun team will be attached from 2nd Platoon as well as a Sniper Team from the Intelligence Section of the Battalion.  Last of all a Recce Jeep will be sent along from the 3rd Platoon.
It needs a repaint to fit the army, but I love this model
I'll be using this nice model from Dust Tactics to represent my Air Support.  I really like the look of the model and will need to see about getting it into RAF colors at some point to continue supporting my Airborne troopers.
That's all for now and I'll see about getting a batrep up this weekend after the game on Friday.