This session was orignally recorded 1/11/2015.

From the Journal of Lydia the Halfling


We find a human in the cave that tells us Gundran Rockseeker has been taken by the goblins to Cragmaw Castle.  We decide to take him back to the town with us.  As we head back out of the cave, we hear the sound of cracking timber and rushing water.

A flood from the stream comes rushing through the cave and washes the humans and dragonborn out toward the mouth of the cave.  They all seem to be hurt badly.  The rest of the group rushes forward to help them.  They are healed by the cleric and druid so they will not die immediately.


Silder the human tells us on the way back to town that he was a griffon rider, and one of three brothers.  They are trying to build the town up to be a city as it used to be.  We reach town and take the ale to the provisioner.  Silder lets the provisioner know that Gundran is missing.

We buy other supplies and head to the Lion's Head in search of javelins.  The Innkeeper tells us that there is a band of mercenaries in town and they are causing trouble.  He also tells us that a druid called Quilene Alderleaf, from and orchard northwest of town, might be able to tell us how to get to Cragmaw Castle.


We all get rooms in the inn after a failed attempt by Zinge to sell the ale to the innkeeper.  We spend the next little while enjoying a drink at the inn and listening to the tales of other travelers.


The next day we head to the shrine of Luck.  We had heard someone had been attacked while in the woods.  We find Sister Gorrell, the Shrine Keeper, to ask what had happened.  She tells us that she had some trouble bargaining with Agatha, a banshee.  She was looking for an old spellbook she believed Agatha to possess, belonging to a mage called Bogentell.

After we head back into town to talk with the provisioner again, we meet up with a group of four Red Hand mercenaries and start to fight with them.  The dragonborn, Nils and Boris are beaten almost to death, but we manage to defeat all but one.  The last Red Hand escaped.


I run to the shrine of Luck and ask for help from Sister Gorrell.  She returns with me to help heal the party.