This small battle with 200 points for each side took place during a LotR/Hobbit event day we had a couple of days ago. Both Flattervieh and me were looking forward to field our freshly painted yet small forces.
We didn’t roll on the table but went for the “The High Ground” scenario instead as I wanted to see my burial mound in action. Also it was just a perfect setting for the invading Uruk-Hai. Grimbold was certainly upset when he heard of Orcs roaming through the lands of his people, desecrating the graves of his forebears.

In time the defenders of Rohan appeared just like the attacking Uruk-Hai. Who would be able to capture the iconic hill?

In time the defenders of Rohan appeared just like the attacking Uruk-Hai. Who would be able to capture the iconic hill?

Grimbold, Éowyn and some brave men of Rohan were heading towards the burial mound..

Grimbold, Éowyn and some brave men of Rohan were heading towards the burial mound.

The Uruk-Hai of the White Hand were breaking through the nearby woods on the other side of the village.

The Uruk-Hai of the White Hand were breaking through the nearby woods on the other side of the village.

While some other Orcs were moving in position to get a good view over the battlefield.

While some other Orcs were moving in position to get a good view over the battlefield.

Yet the first were the archers of Rohan who opened fire on the Orcs. Unfortunately the Orcs' armour could not be pierced by their arrows.

Yet the first were the archers of Rohan who opened fire on the Orcs. Unfortunately the Orcs’ armour could not be pierced by their arrows.

The savage Warriors of Isengard were the first to arrive at the central position.

The savage Warriors of Isengard were the first to arrive at the central position.

While the orcish Archers returned fire on the people of Rohan.

While the orcish Archers returned fire on the people of Rohan.

Placing the heavy metal miniatures on top of the mountain truly was "wobbly model syndrome incarnate". We agreed that it would be a cool idea to let the Uruk-Hai leader climb on top alone and bellow a challenge anyway. Who would answer it? Meanwhile the rest of the Orcs (lead by the Berserkers) swept around the grave and attacked the Rohirim.

Placing the heavy metal miniatures on top of the mountain truly was “wobbly model syndrome incarnate”. We agreed that it would be a cool idea to let the Uruk-Hai leader climb on top alone and bellow a challenge anyway. Who would answer it? Meanwhile the rest of the Orcs (lead by the Berserkers) swept around the grave and attacked the Rohirim.

Of course it was Grimbold himself, eager to defend his people.

Of course it was Grimbold himself, eager to defend his people.

The Captain of the Uruk-Hai learned his lesson pretty fast. He immediately suffered a wound from Grimbold's huge axe and even his Fate point couldn't spare him the pain.

The Captain of the Uruk-Hai learned his lesson pretty fast. He immediately suffered a wound from Grimbold’s huge axe and even his Fate point couldn’t spare him the pain.

The Uruk-Hai on the left flank had the Priority and were about to trap Éowyn. But the shield maid of Rohan had other plans and called for a heroic action thus turning the tides.

The Uruk-Hai on the left flank had the Priority and were about to trap Éowyn. But the shield maid of Rohan had other plans and called for a heroic action thus turning the tides.

The Uruk-Hai had to send in their archers aswell if they wanted to win this battle even if they were able to kill one of the human archers. The bodies of the slain started to pile around the burial mound as both parties' casualties grew.

The Uruk-Hai had to send in their archers aswell if they wanted to win this battle even if they were able to kill one of the human archers. The bodies of the slain started to pile around the burial mound as both parties’ casualties grew.

Slowly the brute strength of the Orcs began to appear. Urgûz the Captain of the Uruk-Hai was able to cause a wound in the duel with Grimbold. The battle on the right flank was still balanced but Éowyn was now in gave danger as she was trapped by the orcs on the left flank.

Slowly the brute strength of the Orcs began to appear. Urgûz the Captain of the Uruk-Hai was able to cause a wound in the duel with Grimbold. The battle on the right flank was still balanced but Éowyn was now in gave danger as she was trapped by the orcs on the left flank.

After Éowyn was out of might and fate her fate seemed to be sealed.

After Éowyn was out of might and fate her fate seemed to be sealed.

And indeed it was! After she suffered some terrible blows from the Berserker Éowyn and the last Rohirim on the left flank went to the ground. The men of Rohan mourned their beloved maiden's fate and their moral was broken. Grimbold had to cancel his duel, pick up the badly injured Éowyn and flee from the battlefield with his remaining men. The Uruk-Hai yelled their cries of victory and the village was now defenseless and ready to be burned to the ground.

And indeed it was! After she suffered some terrible blows from the Berserker Éowyn and the last Rohirim on the left flank went to the ground. The men of Rohan mourned their beloved maiden’s fate and their moral was broken. Grimbold had to cancel his duel, pick up the badly injured Éowyn and flee from the battlefield with his remaining men. The Uruk-Hai yelled their cries of victory and the village was now defenseless and ready to be burned to the ground.

Yay, great game & cheers Flattervieh! At first it really didn’t look so very good for the Uruk-Hai. Their captain lost one of his two wounds immediately and then Éowyn started to take over the left flank. Fortunately the Orcs had a great comeback (thanks to my lucky dice) and the tide turned again. Yet it was no overwhelming but a dearly purchased victory. The orcs’ moral was just one dead Uruk-Hai away from being broken, too. Also it was pretty cool that Grimbold and Ûrguz were not able to finish their duel but left it both wounded. I really hope they can settle this once and for all during an upcoming game!

There were some other small armies around that day which I would like to present. Their battles won’t be told here but at least you’ll be able to see which forces were around during our event day.

Of course there were 200 points of Rohan featuring Grimbold and Éowyn brought on the table by Flattervieh.

Of course there were 200 points of Rohan featuring Grimbold and Éowyn brought on the table by Flattervieh.

And my 200 points Uruk-Hai, too.

And my 200 points Uruk-Hai, too.

scrum had his Uruk-Hai with him aswell. Here you can see 100 points of Orc scouts.

scrum had his Uruk-Hai with him aswell. Here you can see 100 points of Orc scouts.

Elrond the Gravenesse led  his Mordor Orcs to battle. These 200 points are under the command of two Orc captains.

Elrond the Gravenesse led his Mordor Orcs to battle. These 200 points are under the command of two Orc captains.

scrum's dwarves were led by Floi. They were worth 200 points, too.

scrum’s dwarves were led by Floi. They were worth 200 points, too.

My Moria Goblins didn't want to miss out. Therefore the 200 points were led to battle by two shamans that day.

My Moria Goblins didn’t want to miss out. Therefore the 200 points were led to battle by two shamans that day.