Here are the special weapon options that come with the Jailbird Troopers and Command packs.  There is also a sgt type with a bolt pistol and chain sword that did not get pictured.

 But first!  Raging Heroes is launching a new 15 day Blitz of a Kickstarter featuring Dark Elves and Warrior Nuns... I am DOOMED! 

I'm not a big fan of the 15 day projects for a lot of reasons but... I'll still pile on this one!

Seriously, RH makes some really beautiful stuff so why they gotta PUNISH me by releasing two of my favorite faction at the same time!?!
 ... anyway... These Jailbirds are from Raging Heroes Toughest Girls in the Galaxy Kickstarter so you can see what kind of minis they turn out.

Now to the serious business of deciding what these things count as in my 40k compatible lists.

This picture looks easy with the plasma pistol but I'm at a bit of a loss for the big gun... kinda looks like an old school C-Beamer in a way... what do you think?
 Flamers!  Gotta lurves sum Flamers!

I'm still liking the Prison Pride theme for the Vets so all these are done up Veteran Style.. in Prison Orange and White.
 I'm guessing the gatling gun could count as a heavy stubber but the Ion Gun looking thing... hmmm... suggestions?

You can see Ion Gun girl is running over a ruined sign referring to the Cult of the Harbinger!  Thanks for the fluff angle Tanya B!
 Grenade launcher and a triple barreled heat weapon... maybe a volley gun?

The Jailbird list is a modified Astra Militaria based list so these really should be special weapons in general as the heavies are actually crew served...

On the bottom another easy call... Plasma Guns!  a little on the large side but still clearly Plasma.