by SandWyrm
With the rollout of the closed beta (and the lifting of the NDA), I finally got my invite to help test the beta for World of Warships. Farmpunk's been on there a bit longer, as he remembered to log in for the first alpha weekend. Anyway, the game is more fun that we thought it ever would be, and I had a VERY good game tonight with the St. Louis class cruiser after the rest of my team folded against an enemy team of bots. Killing all seven enemy ships myself.
That's two destroyers, 3 cruisers, and two Battleships. Half of them killed without any assists. Three of them (2 battleships and a cruiser) while I only had a sliver of life left in my health bar. But the 8-gun broadside of the St. Louis, combined with a faster reload Captain skill, some lucky gun-damaging hits, and a deft use of islands to block LoS let me pummel everything in my path.
If I don't kill at least 3 ships a game with this thing, it's unusual. :)
Anybody else here in the beta?
Yeah, We’re Playing World of Warships Now
by SandWyrm | Mar 20, 2015