Well, thanks to some botched dentistry I've been flat on my back having had two procedures in one day culminating in a tooth removal. So the painting has been non-existant, as you may have noticed from the lack of updates.
Today I'm off the heavy pain killers so did some nice gentle painting =)
Here's how it was last week after a spraypaint:
I bought a very cheap tube of black and another of white for this job as well as a couple of large brushes. All together probably not even $10 worth of supplies.
Mixing the black and white to grey and doing a heavy drybrush resulted in this:
Another big squirt of white to the mix for a medium drybrush and then the rest of the white in for the final highlight drybrush and here's how it is at the moment:
Pretty happy with it really, quite quick and easy to do. Now I'm deciding whether or not to do a black wash along the brick lines (or over the whole thing) to further differentiate them.
Will make up my mind tonight and either call it finished or do a wash tomorrow.
Black Pyramid Grey
by simmuskhan | Jan 21, 2013