Adepticon has come and gone, and we had an awesome time.  Our team, the Adeptus Film Co. runs the 40k Friendly and we had a ton of fun orchestrating the shenanigans of the Friday tournament.  If you played in it, I hope you had a good time!

Here is our final display for the 40k Team Tournament.  I'll post the remaining miniatures I painted later this week.  I was really happy with our showing.  We got into the army showcase and came so close to winning an award.  We ended up finishing 11th overall, which isn't too shabby since none of us had played the armies until the tournament. 

Our theme was modeled after the first war of Armageddon, and since we do movie themes, we appropriately did Armageddon as Bruce Willis as the chapter master, Sean Connery as the Great Wolf, and Hugh Jackman as Abbadon.  I should have gotten a better picture of the poster!

In the middle of the ruined city we did a flickering light lift where the knight titan rose up to help out the embattled city.

We were a little bummed out we didn't get best Imperial theme, but we'll have to step up our game for next year and try again!  Now the big debate on which army we pick and how to theme it.