Got quite a bit of hobby time in over the weekend, and dived in to the Dark Angels - still sorting out the army list for Adepticon, and it seems as thought I ended up painting several things that I'm not going to be taking out there with me after all... Argh!

The Nephilim fighter is a case in point. I knew as soon as I saw the model that I had to build and paint one, it was just too cool not to! However, it turns out the rules and points for it are a little underwhelming - the armament is a little too light to effectively deal with opposing flyers (other than the single twin-linked lascannon), and at 180 points it's pretty darn expensive.

Nevertheless, it was a lot of fun to build and paint. It really reminds me of the Thunderbolt fighter (my favorite of the Imperial Navy flyers), and it is far and away a better looking model than the previously-released Storm Talon.

I did try something new on the canopy, and went for a 'reflected horizon' look. It's not the best rendition ever done I'll admit, but for a first try I'm reasonably pleased with how it turned out. Definitely will be attempting this again in the future!

When all is said and done however, the Nephilim was pulled out of the Adepticon army list, in favor of an allied guard contingent and the access to the hardier, better armed, and less expensive Vendetta!