This week I have been mostly building Grey Hunters.

Unlike my other packs, this pack only has 8 miniatures, because they will always be joined by an HQ choice.

This is also why their Wolf Guard Pack Leader has Terminator Armour, a Storm Shield and a Combi-Melta.

Basically, to arrive, fire the Combi-Melta and then soak up a lot of hits. He has the rather dubious honour of being my HQ's meat shield.

This is my last squad of plastic Space Wolves and it shows, because this is the point where I started running out of bits! Namely torsos and shoulder pads.

My use of 'shouty heads' continues, as well as regular Space Marine legs and Anvil Industry urban bases.

I also made a Grey Hunter Wolf Standard Bearer for this pack. He might get booted out to make room for my HQ choice, one of the other guys might get booted out to make room.

The idea is that he works with Ulrik (who gives Preferred Enemy to all units within 6") and provides +1 attack to call units within 6" as well.

We'll see how that goes.

The Wolf Pelt is from the Dreadnought kit and the Troll Skull... I don't actually know where that's from.

But the whole pack has the embossed skull shoulder pad as their pack symbol, so I thought it would be cool if they were the "Troll Hunters" on Fenris and this Troll Skull trophy ties in with that quite nicely.

Only 8 Wolf Guard, 7 Drop Pods, a Rune Priest and 2 Stormfangs to build, then the painting can begin!

I may paint my "Wolf Guard Test Model" in between, time permitting...