This session was orignally recorded 1/25/2015.

From the Journal of Lydia the Halfling


In another room we find three prisoners.  A wife from the town,  Mirena, and her daughter and son.  They tell us the Red Brand have killed their father.  After we kill the Red Brand we let them go.  

At a door in the next area we hear a person demeaning someone else.  We knock on the door and find two bugbears and a goblin.  We tell the goblin that the prisoners have escaped and that they need to go get them.  We pay the goblin to take us to Cragmaw Keep.

Before heading to Cragmaw Keep we go to check and make sure the prisoners made it back to town.  We find the bugbears stalking the farm that the people live at and manage to intimidate them into going back to the hideout.


We find out the next day that the Red Brand have left town.  We decide that we are going to try find a banshee for Sister Gorrell.  We head out to find her, keeping in mind she is very vain.  During the night we are attacked by a group of four ogres.