Ladies and Gentlemen I present to you a master class miniature that will rival the Mona Lisa herself.
This work of art that I have completed took over a 100 hours of grueling work. Each layer of paint is intricate and detailed as the last. There are over 50 layers of paint and 40 different colors that make up this masterpiece. If you look directly at this model you can feel the light of the Emperor shining from it, engulfing your very soul. When I laid my brush down from completion I weep at the marvel in front of me.

My first thought was to enter this model for a Golden Demon award but that would be a trite excuse for the glory that I have presented you. I will petition Games Workshop to instead make a Platinum Demon award to suit me. It is only fair that special measures are done to award my genius.

After I receive my award I will sell this piece on Ebay under the tag Pro Painted, seeing how they do not have a Genius Painted search. I am thinking the bid will start out at 10,000 seeing how generous I am.

Please leave you comments and criticisms, however the only criticism that there could be is that there is only one of these available.

Also I hope you all had a great April 1st and please don't be too harsh on me, this was my first model from five years ago.