Like many others I was in awe when I read about the Adeptus Mechanicus coming to the 41st Millennium of mankind. I’ve always been a huge fan. The Mechanicum for the Horus Heresy couldn’t get my at all. The marvelous Mechanicus stuff from both club mates Broncofish and Elrond de Gravenesse are of course great but to me the Heresy was all about Space Marines fighting Space Marines. With Warhammer 40K on the other hand…
The Adeptus Mechanicus was ever since connected to the background of my self-created world Argos. The huge amount of Promethium to be found there was an important backbone of the Adeptus Mechanicus craftworld of the Aleator Sector. And now they are even able to protect their interest against xenos intruders on the desert sands of Argos themselves!
My first aim is a Kill Team of course. After that we’ll have to wait and see what’s next. Really looking forward to the releases of the coming weeks.