Evening readers,

Another quick update time of day, I figured seen as I want to post on here more often I might as well do more WiP posts charting progress on the bits I'm working on. So here is how the White Scars Praetor is shaping up:

Most recent bit of work I have done is the power weapon blade which I did only last night, really chuffed with how it came out. I've also added some thinned down badab black washes to the recesses of his armour as suggested by a few of you.

All in all not to much more do on him, infact I'm going to begin building the first 5 Legionnaires to go with him :)

In other news look what I came back from work to:

Was only a day late after UPS claimed it was too dangerous to deliver it, I swear a few inches of snow and this country falls apart. I've had a quick look throgh it and i'm impressed great casts with only a some minimal mold lines to remove. Me being me I already have a few conversion ideas in mind for the load of extra models I got from backing it at the biohazard level.

Expect a few Sedition wars themed updates over the weekend as I will likely get a test model or 2 done :)