Just a quick update since it has been exactly two weeks since I last posted.  This week I have my latest model completed for my Adepticon 2013 army, the Hellpit Abomination.  With this addition that means all of my rare choices are complete!  So follow me after the break to see the latest addition!

Okay, first the pictures...

Overall I'm happy with this effort even if it is a bit rushed (I painted this in roughly a weekend, quick for me). So just like the Grey Seer, let's go over a few lists...

What I Feel I did "Right"
  • The flesh turned out pretty nice
  • The horns/teeth are pretty well blended
  • The Warpstorm smoke again turned out nicely with minimal work
What needs improvement
  • I cheaped out on the brass.  I didn't do any highlights and just left it with base metal and a wash.
  • While I like the skin it's a time intensive process and the color is a bit more "blue" than intended.
  • I intended to make the flesh carvings stand out a little more by using glazes/washes.
What I'd like to do to "finish" the model (someday)
  • A little more freehand to make the colors "fit" into the theme of the army a little more.
  • Highlights on the brass and tail.
  • A little "flesh" glaze/wash on the heads to make them stand out a little.
  • Glaze/Wash the flesh carvings to make them stand out
Overall I had fun painting this one.  That being said, a paintbrush would have made this big boy go SO much faster.  I really need to invest in one.  I noticed that Vallejo now has airbrush paints specifically for miniatures but my question still stands, Does anyone know a good starter airbrush?

So what's next?  I'm waiting for it to warm up a little so I can prime my Plague Monks.  In the meantime I am finishing off my first unit of clanrats (about 50% finished, all base colors are on, but they need highlights, washes, and a few details).

So, what does everyone think?  Have you painted an HPA before and if so, what did you think about it?  Starter airbrush?  Let me know in the comments!