Nurgle Heldrake - part 2
Finally got an undercoat and some colour on this guy as he's been sitting in a state of grey for far too long.
I started off with a Vallejo Burnt Umber basecoat on pretty much everything. I have to admit that this was quite thin (embarrassingly due to being a little short on paint) so was quite patchy and almost absent from the deepest recesses. Having restocked the paint supplies yesterday I gave the model a coat of Vallejo English Uniform (which is the basis of my Plague Marine models) making sure is was quite solid but leaving brown in the recesses. Once this was dry I dug out my bit of sponge and applied a second, rather heavy coat of the English Uniform which caught all the open areas of the model. It also adds a texture to the surface which gave the Dremel'ed parts a more organic feel.
With each coat of sponged paint still wet I added more and more Vallejo Ochre to the palette which gave progressively lighter highlights. This is now complete at the basic level. I need to go in and start adding some detail which is when the model really comes to life. This will be time consuming so progress will be slow but, even if the Heldrake doesn't make the final list to face the DA next month, it will have been worthwhile.
As you can see from the image above (hopefully my Heldrake won't spend much time in this position on the gaming table!), I didn't go all out on the highlights underneath. I like the idea of the underneath being a lot darker. I intend to add some very bright elements here to represent power cells glowing. Not sure I'll go full OSL but we'll see how it goes.
To be continued…