This week I have been mostly converting my second Berserker Dreadnought, complete with rubble strewn base and massive hammer.

Thanks again to Stephan for giving me his spare Nemesis Dread Knight Daemon Hammer.

I quite simply chopped off the Fenrisian Great Axe just above the grip, chopped off the Nemesis Hammer just above the grip, filed both ends until they were flat and matched up nicely.

I also cut the skulls from the centre of the Nemesis Hammer head, trimmed a couple of wolf skulls and glued them in place. Much more wolfy!

I probably should have drilled and pinned the Nemesis Hammer head on to the grip, but my polycement seems to be insanely strong at melting plastic. Although I have the join a thin skin of super glue to make sure it stays strong. I also need to do some Green Stuffing to make the wire from the grip attach to the Nemesis Hammer head. But I'll do that later.

I bought this guy second hand on eBay, so he came ready-made.

The only snag was that someone had glued him (with a lot of glue!) to a plastic base.

So I spent a couple of hours (yes, hours!) cutting his feet free. That didn't go so well.

But thankfully, Anvil Industry provide a lot of bricks and other urban rubble with their urban bases. So I was able to surround the right foot in all this debris and cover up the fact that many of the 'toes' are off the ground.

Not it looks like they're treading in all the battlefield rubble.

With all of my infantry miniatures done (I'll come back to my Wolf Guard and do their cloaks later), it's time to start batch building Drop Pods.

7 Drop Pods in fact.

Wish me luck!