I have finally gotten off my butt to finish my Adamantine Lance. Because you know, everyone loves Adamantine Lance.

One real motivator for me was wanting to see House Phoenix Warden at their full strength and secondly I needed to test out the new Leadbelcher Spray.

I guess this will be a quick Leadbelcher review. IT IS AWESOME! Though seriously I do really like the spray. I bought two cans immediately from my local FLAGS ( 15% off for preordering at Montag's Games, score!). The spray cut off a lot of time on painting this model. It gives a smooth, even coat with the minimum of effort. For my Knight I sprayed him with Chaos Black for a quick undercoat. After it dried I came with one coat of Leadbelcher. I gave it a hour to dry and Alphonse was on his way to being done.

I gave him the name Alphonse as a nod to Patlabor, my old school anime lovers will get my reference. I might go a little different with his color scheme but only time will tell.

Anyway guys, I have a lot of models to paint and a lot of games to play so stay tuned for more posts.