Eldar gesichtet! Bilder und Regeln






Die Party geht los. Leaks kommen online und was man so auf den ersten Blick liest, bläst einem fast das Licht aus…27 Punkte für einen Gardisten auf Jetbike mit Scatterlaser? Davon 10 Stück für 270 Punkte? Aber hübsche Modelle…

via 4chan:

scatter lasers now lost the twin linking bonus

windriders: 51 pts base.
3 windriders

statline unchanged.

may include up to 7 additional windriders for 17ppm
may take a windriderwarlock for 50 pts
warlock may replace his hagun zar for a runespear 5pts
each windrider may exchange the TL shuriken catapult for:
scatter laser 10pts
shuriken cannon 10pts

that means you can basically have a 10 man unit entirely kitted with scatterlasers for 27ppm and add another warlock to them

they also are still troop selections. i think the meta shifts again.

via 4chan:

the only other interresting things are those leaked 2 datacards and the 1 leaked psychic power in the WD:

runes of battle 1
warpcharge 1

its either:
S5 ap 4 assault1, soulblaze flamer
a friendly unit within 18″ restores a single wound. this cannot bring units back to the board that have been removed as casuality.

and for the datacards:

1 victory point if you kill a character (not just in a challenge, just a character)
gain a victory point if a enemy unit got killed by a eldar unit with the skimmer or eldar jetbike type. gain d3 vitory points if you killed 3 or more in one round.

via Warseer:

Some people on a French forum have seen the WD.

– The WK’s heavy wraithcanons are now D, and the sword too. He is gargantuan (and probably LoW I think).

– Jetbikes rules are the same, no changes and same slot (but new minies, and they are cool!).

– Warlocks are not in the Wildriders box, but is an option in the Jetseer pack =D (1D6+100 of dat things for me, kthxbye).

– There is a “Decurie” (don’t now the name of the Necron special host in English), called Craftworld Warhosts :

– 1 to 3 guardians host (Wildriders, guardiens squads and the ones from Ulthwë) unlock some extra stuff for all the craftworlds. For example, 1 3 Wildriders choices unlock some stuff for Saim Hann host.

– You can take for each guardians host 1 to 12 choices of some unit in the codex (crimson, tank, avengers…, but also aspects warriors, ghost warriors, wraithknight and wraithlords. But seems limitated to 1 for the 3 lasts).

– The Autarch on foot has swooping hawks wings, and is awesome!
via Warhammer Forum:
I had white dwarf hands and also to the speeder bikes which are the same, it is the profile; the figure itself is much better. Regarding their options there is the possibility of their opener or a laser gun shuriken to ten points (same conditions as before).
WK enters colossal creature.
There is now a Host World War as a base ship with 1-3 host guards to choose from:
– 1 GP, 3 units guards defenders, a squadron of vyper a squadron of war walkers, 0-1 prescient Council
– 1 GP, 3 units of horsemen of the wind, a squadron of vyper and I do not know about the rest
– 1 GP, 3 units of shock guards, a squadron of vyper a squadron of war walkers, 0-1 prescient Council
Each keeper host can take regents of the world ship with either:
– Eldrad, Illic or Yriel
– 2 GP and a council, one of the GP can be Eldrad
– Avatar, Phoenix Lords
For each host guards can take 1-12 “I do not know the name” either:
– 1 unit to store
– 3 scarlet hunters
– 3 units Avengers
– Tanks
– Warriors appearance other than avengers
– I do not know anymore : Unsure:
All this from memory so I probably made some mistakes