Weiter geht’s. Die Informationen zu den Eldar sind mittlerweile gut abgerundet. Im Prinzip haben wir bis auf die exakten Punktkosten alle wichtigen Details schwarz auf weiß.
via Warseer:
– A pistol S4, AP3, Rending
– A sword +2S, AP- Rending and if fighting in a challenge, wounds on 2+ and Instant Death
– One sniper rifle, AP2, 120″
– One ítem that if bearer does not cast any phychic power, or shots during the shooting phase, he can run 48″ and may reroll cover saves.
– One sword +1S, AP3, Soulblaze (affects wounded unit and all enemy units at 6″)
– One ítem that when bearer diez, 5″ template is placed and all models suffer one S4, AP5 hit. If at least, one wound is infflicted, bearer comes back to life, with 1W. One use only
– One ítem that makes psyhic powers required 1 WC less. No inv saves if done so.
via BolS:
Ghost helm: When suffering a wound, Farseer can spend one warp point and ignore the wound.
Runes of the farseer: Once per turn, Farseer may reroll a psychic test.
Farseer is equipped with both by default. Farseer has same cost.
Exarch powers, as we all know them are gone. Now all aspects get a new ability for free. Exarchs get another one (free as well). And they have 2W.Autarchs are pretty much the same.
Yes. If the shield is fired, you lose it for the rest of the game.Dire Avengers: Overwatch at BS2 OR get counter attack and stubborn
Exarch: 4++Howling banshees: +3″ when running or assaulting. Ignore I penalties when assaulting through difficult terrain. Fear. No Overwatch allowed when Banshees assault
Exarch: Units in CC with the Banshees have -2LStriking Scorpions: Stealth. Shrouded until the fire or assault.
Exarch: During a challenge compare I values. Exarch gets +1A for each point his I is better tan his oponent.Fire Dragons: +1 on the vehicle damage chart.
Exarch: Once per turn, may reroll one to hit, to wound or to penetrare rollSwooping Hawks: If the move over a flier, every modl gets one special attack that hits on 4+, S4, AP4, Haywire. They move 18″
Exarch: His unit does not scatter if DSWarp Spiders: They may jump during the opponent’s shooting phase. If after the jum, the spiders are out of LoS or reach, firing unit cannot choose another target.
Exarch: His unit reroll all LD testsShining Spears: 4+ cover sabe
Exarch: Reroll to wound vs MC and rerolls to penétrateDark Reapers: Reroll to hit if target is: Flier, has turboboosted previous turn or moved flat out
Exarch: His weapon fires one more shot tan normally. For example: Heavy 2 becomes Heavy 3
via Warseer:
Phoenix Lords:
Asurmen (220)
4++ (3++ if fighting in a challenge). Gets 1D3 Warlord traits. Sword is +1S, AP2, Mastercrafterd. For each wound take a Ld test. If failed model dies.Jain Zar (200)
When fighting in a challange, Jain Zar chooses a weapon of is opponent. He may not use this weapon. If done so, Jain Zar has -1A. Enemy models at +6″ get -5 to WS (Mínimum 1). Her sword is AP2, Shred.Karandras (200)
When arriving from reserves can choose any border. His mandiblaster ignores ALL saves.Fuegan (220)
He gets +1S and +1A for each lost wound.Baharroth (170)
When DS all units at 6″ are treated as hit by a weapon with the Blind SR.Maugan Ra (195)
Can fire his Maugetar twice per turn (That means 8 S6 Rending shots). Maugetar has an alternative profile: Assault 1, S1, Poison 2+. If one model dies, put 5″ marker. All models under the template get a S5 AP4 hit.On top of that, they have as well the rules listed for their Aspects.
Also I will add that illic night spears weapon has lost distort but always has precision shot and can give that to ranger units he joins.
via Faeit 212
The last article said the avatar is the same except for Lord of War, but
there are some nice changes. Stats are the same but he now gives
Fearless, Furious Charge and rage to all within 12″ INCLUDING the avatar
himself. Molten body is the same i think, unaffected by pyromancy,
flamer, melta, soul blaze weapons. Wailing doom shooting profile is the
same but close combat it now gives him +2S.Also all Exarches now have 2 wounds. Practically everything except for
the guardians has had something changed.Iyanden can still be used, as there are no Craftworld specific rules as we
expected given the name of the codex.