This was also the first time that I played a 7th edition game using the Tactical Objectives Cards. I was reluctant to use them after hearing others bitch about them after the release of 7th Edition last summer, however I have always wanted to try them out. Bryan was keen to use them, and he's the perfect player to try them with, so I agreed.
We set up down the length of the table, we each had about 1850 in points. After selecting my Chaos Gifts we were ready to get on with the bloodletting.
Daemonkin set up. |
Kharn and Friends set up. |
Turn One. Surge forward... |
Meanwhile his Juggernaut riding Warlord along with his Khorne bikers, rounds the corner to prepare to engage my bikers...
His other Maulerfiend attacks my Khorne Berserkers. Amazingly my Berserkers survive this assault and even manage to knock a HP off of it.
The Khorne Daemonkin Warlord utterly defeats my bikers, who run, and are run down in a very brutal way. Khorne is seriously pleased.
"Purple? Oh hell no, you gotta go!" |
The Landraider is smashed open like a watermelon, revealing Kharn and his retinue.
On the next turn I redirect the Death Guard, primarily to take advantage of an Objective Card, but also to see if my melta gun could hurt the Maulerfiend, It didn't.
Looking at the state of things: the Bloodbrute was dead already, the bikers were crushed, my Vindicator was missing a Hull Point or two, and my Berserkers seemed helplessly locked in combat with another Maulerfiend. it did not look well for Kharn and Friends, and even Warfrog, who was watching this match keenly, thought I was pretty much toast.
But I never give up a game! No matter how bad things seem to be going! Fight to the last man, dammit! So, in a surge of aggression, Kharn slays the Maulerfiend, the Chaos Terminator Lord slays the Possessed, and the Khorne Berserkers slay the other Maulerfiend!. My Plague Marines (they're friends of Kharn too, no really!) were tying up the Daemonkin Warlord and Brian's Berserker unit.
Seeking more blood, Kharn would rush the Plague Marine's aid in the next round (see, told ya they were friends!) where the tide would turn. The Daemonkin Berserkers were defeated. However, and quite amusingly, Kharn and the Daemonkin Warlord would kill each other in a challenge! Probably didn't help much that Kharn plasmacided a wound off of himself earlier on, but hey, such is life in 40K.
"Blood for the Blood--OMG, you worship Khorne too? How totally cool!" |
They proceeded to attacked the Forgefiend that had been trying to blast apart my Vindicator for the whole game. The Daemonkin Hellbrute would join in, and for the final few Assault phases of the game, all three units would take turns playing paddycake with one another.
My surviving Plague Marines would finish off the last of the Daemonkin Chaos Cultists, which helped greatly as they were holding an objective that earned me some additional VPs
The end. |
I really like the Tactical Objective cards, I think they made the game quite a bit more fun and added more to the game than I otherwise would have thought. I was afraid they might be silly and distracting and I was pleased to be proven wrong on that account.
Playing Bryan has really inspired me to do more work on my Chaos units. Especially the Warlord on the Juggernaut. That guy was a bad-ass! And also to work more on my bikes. As you can see, they look rough, and with such a large profile they really look tacky in their current condition.
Thanks again Bryan!