This Beer & Bolters 40k Podcast is brought to you by: Beer & Bolters 40K Facebook: YouTube: Tabled Miniatures Paint Studio Facebook: Individually tailored miniature painting commissions – we only paint at the top levels, because you deserve the best! Defending Our Myths and Heroes Facebook: Defending Our Myths And Heroes is dedicated to doing just that. Our mission is twofold. Part one: Preserving the image of what DMH considers to be our modern day myths. To us Batman and Superman are the modern day King Arthur. We do this with respecting the characters in every way we interpret them. Contest: Whispers from the Warp (News & Rumors): New Release Rumors Dark Angels Codex followed by Tzeentch Deamonkin Codex Void Shield Generator Re-directs found Cult Mechanicus Re-directs found, to include Data Cards, Codex, Fulgurite Electro Priests New Vespid Kits with Weapon Options, is a new Tau Codex coming, or Kroot Mercenaries Coming after Tzeentch? Forgeworld webstore is being added to Games Workshop site White Scars and Raven Guard rumbling are about, new Space Marine Codex update is on the horizon. Forgeworld Thanatar Calix Class Siege-Automata Space Marine Codex Rumored for later this year, August is the date given thus far, One box kit, a new Chaplin, and codex. Forgeworlds next target for 30K is Ultramarines and Word Bearers. New Assassin Game box set, containing new plastic models for all 4 assassins houses, also a tile based game like Space Hulk. 4 Assassin models in the box, one for each temple. Various non-imperial opposition models. Eldar Craftworld Codex is almost here! There are no "chapter tactics". No changes on Battle focus of the bladestorm rule. No hints on the Iyanden codex Distortion Weapons All Distortion weapons are Strenght D. All of them. But the scythes apply a -1 when rolling on the D table, and the strenght is considered to be 4 when calculating the instant death Battle runes Primaris: Shrouded / removes Stealth and Shrouded Heavy Flamer / A model recovers a W Fearless / -3 to Ld to target +1 to WS and I / -1 to WS and I +1 to armour sabe / -1 to armour sabe Unit runs +3" / Target cannot run +1S / -1S Primaris: Guide (no changes) Executioner: Focussed witch fire. 24". Target receives 3 hits, always wounds on 2+. If target dies, another model receives 2 hits. If target dies another gone receives 1 hit. Fatality: You reroll to wound or to penetrate when firing at target unit. 24" Will of Asuryan: 12" bubble of Fear and Adamantium will Fortune: As always Mind fight: Mainly the same. Ancestral Storm: Warp charges 3 (5" blast), Warp charge 4 (Apoc blast), 24", Haywire, wounds 2+ Warlord traits. 12" bubble. Once per game reroll 1's to wound 1D3 units get Scout special rule Warlord and his unit run +3" Warlord rerolls all 1's when saving Warlord has divide fire special rule Friendly units do not scatter if DS at 12" from Warlord. Warp Spiders: They can move as before 6+2D6" and if double "1" loose a model, but they can choose to jump (2D6") in the opponent's shooting phase after the Warp Spiders are chosen as a target. If Warp Spiders are out of range or out of LoS after this movement, firing unit cannot choose another target. If they jump in the opponent's shooting phase, they cannot jump on their next turn. They may jump during the opponent's shooting phase. If after the jum, the spiders are out of LoS or reach, firing unit cannot choose another target. Exarch: His unit reroll all LD tests Warp Spiders: 19/model Monofilament rule has changed.They roll to wound against I, although the T is still used to calculate ID. Dark Reapers: 25 points per model. They re-roll to hit against anything that flies, turbo boosts or moved flat out. All models ignore Jink saves. Exarch: His weapon fires one more shot than normally. For example: Heavy 2 becomes Heavy 3 Dire Avengers Dire Avengers: Overwatch at BS2 OR get counter attack and stubborn Exarch: 4++ Howling Banshees Howling banshees: +3" when running or assaulting. Ignore I penalties when assaulting through difficult terrain. Fear. No Overwatch allowed when Banshees assault Exarch: Units in CC with the Banshees have -2L Masks grants the Banshees their Fear rule and denies Overwatch. Striking Scorpions Striking Scorpions: Stealth. Shrouded until the fire or assault. Exarch: During a challenge compare I values. Exarch gets +1A for each point his I is better than his opponent. Mandiblásters got a VERY BIG BOOST. On 4+ they inflict a Wound regardless the T of the target. If target is Gargantuan creature, they only wound on 6's. Saves allowed. BTW, Karandras Mandiblaster wounds on 2+/4+ and ignores saves Scorpions: 17/model, Infiltration, Stealth, and Shrouded until the fire of fight in combat Fire Dragons Fire Dragons: +1 on the vehicle damage chart. Exarch: Once per turn, may reroll one to hit, to wound or to penetrate roll Swooping Hawks Swooping Hawks: If the move over a flier, every model gets one special attack that hits on 4+, S4, AP4, Haywire. They move 18" Exarch: His unit does not scatter if DS Shining Spears Shining Spears: 4+ cover save Exarch: Reroll to wound vs MC and rerolls to penétrate Shining spears have 4+ cover save if they moved the previous turn. 25/model. Lance is: 6", S6, Assault 1, Lance. In combat: +3S when charging. Both are AP3. Phoenix Lords Asurmen (220) 4++ (3++ if fighting in a challenge). Gets 1D3 Warlord traits. Sword is +1S, AP2, Master crafted. For each wound take a Ld test. If failed model dies. Jain Zar (200) When fighting in a challenge, Jain Zar chooses a weapon of is opponent. He may not use this weapon. If done so, Jain Zar has -1A. Enemy models at +6" get -5 to WS (Mínimum 1). Her sword is AP2, Shred. Karandras (200) When arriving from reserves can choose any border. His mandiblaster ignores ALL saves. Fuegan (220) He gets +1S and +1A for each lost wound. Baharroth (170) When DS all units at 6" are treated as hit by a weapon with the Blind SR. Maugan Ra (195) Can fire his Maugetar twice per turn (That means 8 S6 Rending shots). Maugetar has an alternative profile: Assault 1, S1, Poison 2+. If one model dies, put 5" marker. All models under the template get a S5 AP4 hit. On top of that, they have as well the rules listed for their Aspects. Avatar avatar his sword is +2S in CC Warlock conclave Works as a single psyker. 1-3 Lvl1, 4-6 Lvl2, 7+ Lvl 3. They can choose Sacred Daemonology and Battle Runes. Warlock conclave is 35 points / model (50 if riding a bike) Wraithguard points cost of Wraithguard now either with Wraith Cannons or D-Scythes Cost is the same. Wraithblades Same but 30/model and have Rage. Wraithlord Wraithlord remains unchanged. The glaive gives +1S, but if given to a Knight it becomes SD. Wraith Knight Wraithknight is LoW (295 points), Jump gargantuan creature Wraithguard/blades are not tropos anymore if taking Wraithknight Upgrades Sword + Shield: Free (Sword is Strenght D) Solar cannon + Shield: Free Wraith Cannons are the default Windrider Jetbikes Windrider Jetbikes and their weapon upgrades 17/model, every model can purchase one scatter laser or shuriken cannon for +10 points Vehicles Holofields are 5++, + 15 points. Fliers cannot purchase it. Laser lock is gone and Serpent shields got nerfed. Vypers: 40 points/model. Squad size: 1-6 Walkers: 60 points/model: Squad size: 1-3 Upgrades are: Ignore Stunning and Shaken with 4+ and 2+ (10 points) Move through cover (10 points) When moving flat out: 24" (15 points) Once per game after moving flat out, may fire a single weapon at full BS (25 points) Fire Prisms, Falcons, and Night Spinners be taken in squadrons now Up to three!!!!!!!! And they have special rules if done so: Falcon: if Deep Strike, first Falcon does not scatter. Others are place at 4". Falcon can DS only if taken in a unit of 3. Fire Prism: For each additional Fire Prism firing +1S / -1AP Night Spinners: +1S for each Night spinner Walkers Walkers have 5++ Wave Serpents Yes. If the shield is fired, you lose it for the rest of the game. Serpents are 110 points, and shield is now: S6, Assault 2D6, Ignores cover, One use only. Crimson Hunter Crimson hunter basically the same, but 140 points only. Hemlock Same cost, has Lvl 2, can choose Daemonology (Sacred), Telepathy and Battle Runes. D-Scythes are a special D weapon as mentioned above,. Farseer Ghost helm: When suffering a wound from perils, Farseer can spend one warp point and ignore the wound. Runes of the farseer: Once per turn, Farseer may reroll a psychic test. Farseer is equipped with both by default. Farseer has same cost. Spiritseers Same but: (Only Elites) They do NOT make wraith units Troops. Any wraith unit (Guards, Blades, Lords, Knights or Hemlocks) may reroll 1's to hit if target is at 12" from Spiritseer. Illic Illic weapon is NOT D. He always has precision shots. If the joins a unit of Rangers, all the models in the unit get this ability Rangers have Shrouded Eldrad Eldrad is 195 points. Regular HQ option. Formations Guardian battle host: Vypers, War Walkers and Vaul's support batteries get preferred enemy if they have a unit of Guardians at 12". Guardians can purchase a Platform for free. Windrider host: Once per game all formation gets Shred when firing shuriken weapons Guardian Stormhost: Vypers, War Walkers and Vaul's support batteries get preferred enemy if they have a unit of Guardians at 12". Storm guardians can purchase 2 special weapons for free. Seer council: They harness Wrap charges with 3+. Aspect Host: They re-roll LD tests and get +1 to WS or BS. Dire Avenger Shrine: Once per game, Shuriken weapons are Assault 3. +1 to BS Crimson Death: Preferred enemy (Flying things), 4+ cover save, and if Jink, may re-roll the cover save. Wraith Host: Get battle trance, if target is at 18" or less from spiritseer, reroll to hit Horus Heresy Novels The Gates of Terra Announced! Vox Broadcast (Discussion Topics): Eldar, Initiate Nerd Rage Power! Is this balance or not? Power vs Points Return of the Big “D” Is this Fluffy Yet? Are Marines and Old Hat? Mulligans for 40K Playing Hard and Soft Playing the balance of competitive but forgiving of mistakes. Plasma Obliterator and other Limited Edition Models Limited Edition Scalpers, Prices already $150 Re-issued back to the webstore New Recruits (Hobby Updates): Dark Angels Army Chaos Army Plasma Obliterator Promethium Relay Pipes Imperial Defence Line Firebase Redoubt Aquila Strongpoint Vengeance Weapons Batteries Horus Heresy Book 3 Extermination Commanders’ Corner (Tactics and Army Building): Gun Emplacements vs Emplaced Weapons Gun Emplacements are Models Emplaced Weapons are part of the building Is “Money Hammer” the ultimate advantage? Is the ability to buy not only the “New Hotness” but to afford any number of units become a serious disadvantage to some of the more humble players? Chapter Meeting (Q&A/Discussion): Marty Milligan Is it right to punish genuine Eldar fans and players by not playing them because of their perceived broken codex? I would always give a player a chance especially in a friendly situation. But I know Chris for one is not a big fan ! Beer and Bolters 40K Alfred plays Eldar and it's always fun to play his army, but he is also a Wolf Brother... so there is that. Beer and Bolters 40K Well, my girlfriend just decided to build a small army so she can play games with me, and she decided on a mixed Craftworlds/Harlequins force (purely for fluff reasons), so I don't really have a choice... -Chris Beer and Bolters 40K I think Orks should be immune to the BladeStorm Special rule! Oktawian Rybinski Invoke the ancient rights of trial by scales. Take a squad of infantry from the Eldar player and align them on the ground. Place his new codex on top of said infantry so that they may support it. The player then must stand atop of his codex and invoke the honored chant of the bearded below chin. If the codex holds true above the floor and his unit does not fail then his cheesiness shan't be questioned again. Such is our way... so it the way of the scales. Tim Ward If you guys could make a custom space marine chapter, what would the name be, what would be the badge and what special chapter tactics would you give them? Beer and Bolters 40K That's a good one. Like a second founding or one of the lost chapters? Tim Ward Totally up to your preference Beer and Bolters 40K I guess we will have to do both! Comic Dork So in a tag team match between the team of Adam and Chris drunk as hell on 2 cases of Bloodline vs 2 neckbeards hopped up on Mountain Dew and Cheetos who would win? Beer and Bolters 40K Oh, that's an easy one. Comic Dork Ok, here's the twist. The neckbeard's moms are in their corner lol Beer and Bolters 40K We have to smack her for letting them live! David Delp So eldar? Fuck em. Beer and Bolters 40K That's going to be a common feeling it seems. Unless the points are crazy jacked up. David Delp I played them once or twice since they got their 6th codex.. I doubt I'll play them at all. No one plays them in my immediate group,
This Beer & Bolters 40k Podcast is brought to you by: Beer & Bolters 40K Facebook: YouTube: Tabled Miniatures Paint Studio Facebook: Individually tailored miniature painting commissions – we only paint at the top levels, because you deserve the best! Defending Our Myths and Heroes Facebook: Defending Our Myths And Heroes is dedicated to doing just that. Our mission is twofold. Part one: Preserving the image of what DMH considers to be our modern day myths. To us Batman and Superman are the modern day King Arthur. We do this with respecting the characters in every way we interpret them. Contest: Whispers from the Warp (News & Rumors): New Release Rumors Dark Angels Codex followed by Tzeentch Deamonkin Codex Void Shield Generator Re-directs found Cult Mechanicus Re-directs found, to include Data Cards, Codex, Fulgurite Electro Priests New Vespid Kits with Weapon Options, is a new Tau Codex coming, or Kroot Mercenaries Coming after Tzeentch? Forgeworld webstore is being added to Games Workshop site White Scars and Raven Guard rumbling are about, new Space Marine Codex update is on the horizon. Forgeworld Thanatar Calix Class Siege-Automata Space Marine Codex Rumored for later this year, August is the date given thus far, One box kit, a new Chaplin, and codex. Forgeworlds next target for 30K is Ultramarines and Word Bearers. New Assassin Game box set, containing new plastic models for all 4 assassins houses, also a tile based game like Space Hulk. 4 Assassin models in the box, one for each temple. Various non-imperial opposition models. Eldar Craftworld Codex is almost here! There are no "chapter tactics". No changes on Battle focus of the bladestorm rule. No hints on the Iyanden codex Distortion Weapons All Distortion weapons are Strenght D. All of them. But the scythes apply a -1 when rolling on the D table, and the strenght is considered to be 4 when calculating the instant death Battle runes Primaris: Shrouded / removes Stealth and Shrouded Heavy Flamer / A model recovers a W Fearless / -3 to Ld to target +1 to WS and I / -1 to WS and I +1 to armour sabe / -1 to armour sabe Unit runs +3" / Target cannot run +1S / -1S Primaris: Guide (no changes) Executioner: Focussed witch fire. 24". Target receives 3 hits, always wounds on 2+. If target dies, another model receives 2 hits. If target dies another gone receives 1 hit. Fatality: You reroll to wound or to penetrate when firing at target unit. 24" Will of Asuryan: 12" bubble of Fear and Adamantium will Fortune: As always Mind fight: Mainly the same. Ancestral Storm: Warp charges 3 (5" blast), Warp charge 4 (Apoc blast), 24", Haywire, wounds 2+ Warlord traits. 12" bubble. Once per game reroll 1's to wound 1D3 units get Scout special rule Warlord and his unit run +3" Warlord rerolls all 1's when saving Warlord has divide fire special rule Friendly units do not scatter if DS at 12" from Warlord. Warp Spiders: They can move as before 6+2D6" and if double "1" loose a model, but they can choose to jump (2D6") in the opponent's shooting phase after the Warp Spiders are chosen as a target. If Warp Spiders are out of range or out of LoS after this movement, firing unit cannot choose another target. If they jump in the opponent's shooting phase, they cannot jump on their next turn. They may jump during the opponent's shooting phase. If after the jum, the spiders are out of LoS or reach, firing unit cannot choose another target. Exarch: His unit reroll all LD tests Warp Spiders: 19/model Monofilament rule has changed.They roll to wound against I, although the T is still used to calculate ID. Dark Reapers: 25 points per model. They re-roll to hit against anything that flies, turbo boosts or moved flat out. All models ignore Jink saves. Exarch: His weapon fires one more shot than normally. For example: Heavy 2 becomes Heavy 3 Dire Avengers Dire Avengers: Overwatch at BS2 OR get counter attack and stubborn Exarch: 4++ Howling Banshees Howling banshees: +3" when running or assaulting. Ignore I penalties when assaulting through difficult terrain. Fear. No Overwatch allowed when Banshees assault Exarch: Units in CC with the Banshees have -2L Masks grants the Banshees their Fear rule and denies Overwatch. Striking Scorpions Striking Scorpions: Stealth. Shrouded until the fire or assault. Exarch: During a challenge compare I values. Exarch gets +1A for each point his I is better than his opponent. Mandiblásters got a VERY BIG BOOST. On 4+ they inflict a Wound regardless the T of the target. If target is Gargantuan creature, they only wound on 6's. Saves allowed. BTW, Karandras Mandiblaster wounds on 2+/4+ and ignores saves Scorpions: 17/model, Infiltration, Stealth, and Shrouded until the fire of fight in combat Fire Dragons Fire Dragons: +1 on the vehicle damage chart. Exarch: Once per turn, may reroll one to hit, to wound or to penetrate roll Swooping Hawks Swooping Hawks: If the move over a flier, every model gets one special attack that hits on 4+, S4, AP4, Haywire. They move 18" Exarch: His unit does not scatter if DS Shining Spears Shining Spears: 4+ cover save Exarch: Reroll to wound vs MC and rerolls to penétrate Shining spears have 4+ cover save if they moved the previous turn. 25/model. Lance is: 6", S6, Assault 1, Lance. In combat: +3S when charging. Both are AP3. Phoenix Lords Asurmen (220) 4++ (3++ if fighting in a challenge). Gets 1D3 Warlord traits. Sword is +1S, AP2, Master crafted. For each wound take a Ld test. If failed model dies. Jain Zar (200) When fighting in a challenge, Jain Zar chooses a weapon of is opponent. He may not use this weapon. If done so, Jain Zar has -1A. Enemy models at +6" get -5 to WS (Mínimum 1). Her sword is AP2, Shred. Karandras (200) When arriving from reserves can choose any border. His mandiblaster ignores ALL saves. Fuegan (220) He gets +1S and +1A for each lost wound. Baharroth (170) When DS all units at 6" are treated as hit by a weapon with the Blind SR. Maugan Ra (195) Can fire his Maugetar twice per turn (That means 8 S6 Rending shots). Maugetar has an alternative profile: Assault 1, S1, Poison 2+. If one model dies, put 5" marker. All models under the template get a S5 AP4 hit. On top of that, they have as well the rules listed for their Aspects. Avatar avatar his sword is +2S in CC Warlock conclave Works as a single psyker. 1-3 Lvl1, 4-6 Lvl2, 7+ Lvl 3. They can choose Sacred Daemonology and Battle Runes. Warlock conclave is 35 points / model (50 if riding a bike) Wraithguard points cost of Wraithguard now either with Wraith Cannons or D-Scythes Cost is the same. Wraithblades Same but 30/model and have Rage. Wraithlord Wraithlord remains unchanged. The glaive gives +1S, but if given to a Knight it becomes SD. Wraith Knight Wraithknight is LoW (295 points), Jump gargantuan creature Wraithguard/blades are not tropos anymore if taking Wraithknight Upgrades Sword + Shield: Free (Sword is Strenght D) Solar cannon + Shield: Free Wraith Cannons are the default Windrider Jetbikes Windrider Jetbikes and their weapon upgrades 17/model, every model can purchase one scatter laser or shuriken cannon for +10 points Vehicles Holofields are 5++, + 15 points. Fliers cannot purchase it. Laser lock is gone and Serpent shields got nerfed. Vypers: 40 points/model. Squad size: 1-6 Walkers: 60 points/model: Squad size: 1-3 Upgrades are: Ignore Stunning and Shaken with 4+ and 2+ (10 points) Move through cover (10 points) When moving flat out: 24" (15 points) Once per game after moving flat out, may fire a single weapon at full BS (25 points) Fire Prisms, Falcons, and Night Spinners be taken in squadrons now Up to three!!!!!!!! And they have special rules if done so: Falcon: if Deep Strike, first Falcon does not scatter. Others are place at 4". Falcon can DS only if taken in a unit of 3. Fire Prism: For each additional Fire Prism firing +1S / -1AP Night Spinners: +1S for each Night spinner Walkers Walkers have 5++ Wave Serpents Yes. If the shield is fired, you lose it for the rest of the game. Serpents are 110 points, and shield is now: S6, Assault 2D6, Ignores cover, One use only. Crimson Hunter Crimson hunter basically the same, but 140 points only. Hemlock Same cost, has Lvl 2, can choose Daemonology (Sacred), Telepathy and Battle Runes. D-Scythes are a special D weapon as mentioned above,. Farseer Ghost helm: When suffering a wound from perils, Farseer can spend one warp point and ignore the wound. Runes of the farseer: Once per turn, Farseer may reroll a psychic test. Farseer is equipped with both by default. Farseer has same cost. Spiritseers Same but: (Only Elites) They do NOT make wraith units Troops. Any wraith unit (Guards, Blades, Lords, Knights or Hemlocks) may reroll 1's to hit if target is at 12" from Spiritseer. Illic Illic weapon is NOT D. He always has precision shots. If the joins a unit of Rangers, all the models in the unit get this ability Rangers have Shrouded Eldrad Eldrad is 195 points. Regular HQ option. Formations Guardian battle host: Vypers, War Walkers and Vaul's support batteries get preferred enemy if they have a unit of Guardians at 12". Guardians can purchase a Platform for free. Windrider host: Once per game all formation gets Shred when firing shuriken weapons Guardian Stormhost: Vypers, War Walkers and Vaul's support batteries get preferred enemy if they have a unit of Guardians at 12". Storm guardians can purchase 2 special weapons for free. Seer council: They harness Wrap charges with 3+. Aspect Host: They re-roll LD tests and get +1 to WS or BS. Dire Avenger Shrine: Once per game, Shuriken weapons are Assault 3. +1 to BS Crimson Death: Preferred enemy (Flying things), 4+ cover save, and if Jink, may re-roll the cover save. Wraith Host: Get battle trance, if target is at 18" or less from spiritseer, reroll to hit Horus Heresy Novels The Gates of Terra Announced! Vox Broadcast (Discussion Topics): Eldar, Initiate Nerd Rage Power! Is this balance or not? Power vs Points Return of the Big “D” Is this Fluffy Yet? Are Marines and Old Hat? Mulligans for 40K Playing Hard and Soft Playing the balance of competitive but forgiving of mistakes. Plasma Obliterator and other Limited Edition Models Limited Edition Scalpers, Prices already $150 Re-issued back to the webstore New Recruits (Hobby Updates): Dark Angels Army Chaos Army Plasma Obliterator Promethium Relay Pipes Imperial Defence Line Firebase Redoubt Aquila Strongpoint Vengeance Weapons Batteries Horus Heresy Book 3 Extermination Commanders’ Corner (Tactics and Army Building): Gun Emplacements vs Emplaced Weapons Gun Emplacements are Models Emplaced Weapons are part of the building Is “Money Hammer” the ultimate advantage? Is the ability to buy not only the “New Hotness” but to afford any number of units become a serious disadvantage to some of the more humble players? Chapter Meeting (Q&A/Discussion): Marty Milligan Is it right to punish genuine Eldar fans and players by not playing them because of their perceived broken codex? I would always give a player a chance especially in a friendly situation. But I know Chris for one is not a big fan ! Beer and Bolters 40K Alfred plays Eldar and it's always fun to play his army, but he is also a Wolf Brother... so there is that. Beer and Bolters 40K Well, my girlfriend just decided to build a small army so she can play games with me, and she decided on a mixed Craftworlds/Harlequins force (purely for fluff reasons), so I don't really have a choice... -Chris Beer and Bolters 40K I think Orks should be immune to the BladeStorm Special rule! Oktawian Rybinski Invoke the ancient rights of trial by scales. Take a squad of infantry from the Eldar player and align them on the ground. Place his new codex on top of said infantry so that they may support it. The player then must stand atop of his codex and invoke the honored chant of the bearded below chin. If the codex holds true above the floor and his unit does not fail then his cheesiness shan't be questioned again. Such is our way... so it the way of the scales. Tim Ward If you guys could make a custom space marine chapter, what would the name be, what would be the badge and what special chapter tactics would you give them? Beer and Bolters 40K That's a good one. Like a second founding or one of the lost chapters? Tim Ward Totally up to your preference Beer and Bolters 40K I guess we will have to do both! Comic Dork So in a tag team match between the team of Adam and Chris drunk as hell on 2 cases of Bloodline vs 2 neckbeards hopped up on Mountain Dew and Cheetos who would win? Beer and Bolters 40K Oh, that's an easy one. Comic Dork Ok, here's the twist. The neckbeard's moms are in their corner lol Beer and Bolters 40K We have to smack her for letting them live! David Delp So eldar? Fuck em. Beer and Bolters 40K That's going to be a common feeling it seems. Unless the points are crazy jacked up. David Delp I played them once or twice since they got their 6th codex.. I doubt I'll play them at all. No one plays them in my immediate group,