This session was orignally recorded 2/22/2015.

From the Journal of Lydia the Halfling


Back in the town of Phandalin, Zinge decides to go find the things required to summon his familiar and the rest of us go to stay at the inn.


The next day we head out toward Neverwinter.  The first day of travel is uneventful.  We make camp for the night and on the thrid watch, Boris is attacked by stirges.

We are all awoken by a scream and wake to see Boris (as a bear) trying to fight off the monsters.


We killed the stirge and then go back to sleep.  The next day, we go on traveling toward Neverwinter.  The day again is uneventful.  During the night, on the very first watch, Grimeley the half-orc hears a couple of orcs talking to each other.  He quietly woke the party.  Zinge uses telepathy with his owl familiar and is able to see that there are three humanoid creatures near us.


Grimeley is hit by a javelin that flew out of the woods toward him.  The orcs appear from out of the woods.  We manage to kill two of the orcs.  Then half the party takes off after the last one.  As they finish him, we go through the belongings that are on the orcs and take the rations they have.  

We continue to a place that had a sign that reads:  "Warning:  Zombies and Plant Monsters".

The dragon men decide to play music to attract the attention of whoever is in the town.  A druid runs out and tells us to stop.  he tries to get us to leave, but we manage to get  him to tell us about a dragon he needs help with.  He also writes down the directions to Cragmaw Keep.

We go to get rid of the dragon.  Upon a hill, we see a tower.  After checking inside to see the dragon, we decide to space out.  Then the dragon-men begin to make their terrible  throat-singing / didgeridoo music.

The dragon flies up out of the top of the tower.  As he flies above, Zinge uses his owl to attack the dragon.  Angry and confused, the dragon manages to grab the owl and bite off it's head.

Betsy manages to climb the tower just in time to see the dragon fly upward and begin to circle to see who is there disturbing and attracting him.  Meanwhile, Grimeley and I dive into the tower.  We move the dragon's treasure and attempt to hide it.

I set up a ringing bell on a string at a distance and start to try and lure the dragon into the tower again.  After breathing acid on Betsy, and trying to capture the sorcerer the dragon is finally convinced there is someone inside that he needs to go after.  The dragon runs around the tower and jumps on the roof of the cottage that is attached to it.  It begins to try and claw through the roof.


We all try and fight the dragon off while it tries to get inside.  

After it takes too many hits to the face, it decides to take off.