This is my fourth unit of Hersir's all painted up.   Quite a few subtle conversions in this one also.
Both models on the ends are converted to be crouching.  The one with the shield overhead converted from a War Factory Games model.
There are also a few converted heads on some of the models.  And again I added some eyecandy to the movement tray.
The shields are mix of my paint and Little Big Men transfers.
Flag is a conversion that I did with hand painted details.

The basing is much the same, and I'm really digging the flowers and tall grass mixed in.  I will be definitely doing more elaborate basing for things in the future.  And its also held up quite well.

The dead Saxon is actually a Warlord Games barbarian casualty figure.  Then I decided I needed a Viking downed in the ranks for more story.
Below is a closeup of the downed viking and the front rank.
As always.....there is always more.....that is not not done yet.  I have more Vikings, especially bondi to do, both of the Gripping Beast plastic types and also some Foundry ones.