With the Caley Carnage doubles tournament looming I decided it'd be a perfect opportunity to paint up the new Runelord clampack. Have to say it was a lovely model to paint and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.
I have a big mix of old and new models in my Throng and I'd like the doubles tournament to be the first time my whole force is made up of the new models. Recently, at the Fall of the Old World tournament, I was able to put 3000pts of older, mainly Maruader, models on the table which I was really chuffed about. It was a bit of a slog to get it done as I had to paint 40-odd Dwarfs in three weeks but I'm glad I did it.
I was even happier that I decided to take a no warmachine Strollaz list to the tournie, as a big middle finger to the End Times madness. I had a great time with the list and won 2/3, only coming unstuck 8-12 versus dull, dull Malekith.
To be honest I think if folk aren't having fun playing Dwarfs then they're doing it wrong, you can even have a magic phase now with Ungrim! Or alternatively you just wait for a comp pack, like the Scottish Open, to come along that allows you add a sprinkle of Tetto'Eko! I forsee more strollaz lists in my future, they're fun to play and it'll be interesting to see how competitive they can be.
I've got another new Gyro to paint for Caley Carnage and after that I think the dwarfs will be off the painting table for a bit since I appear to have decided to paint a new army from scratch for the ETC.
Here's some more pics of the Throng.