The Space Wolves Blog goes on the radio!

Mike Collins, a contributor to this blog many years ago, sent me a message on Facebook the other week, asking if I'd like to be interviewed on the rapidly rising podcast Allies of Convenience, which inspects the Warhammer 40K tournament scene on a weekly basis.

At the time of recording I was writing the final few pages of The Space Wolves Players Hand Book, so Mike was keen to find out more about that, as well as the history of the blog, how it came to be and what's happening going forward.

It was great catching up with Mike.

I don't know how he cut and edited this down so well to create such a coherent interview.

We talked absolute rubbish for hours, reminiscing about the good old days and tournaments we'd played in together.

So well done to him for chopping it down to about 40 minutes.

The rest of the podcast is awesome too. They go into great depth about the new Eldar Codex, including how Jetbikes with Scatter Lasers (Scatterbikes), Wraith Guard and of course the Wraith Knight are now the new hotness. Not that they weren't bad in the last Codex.

But I digress...

If you just want to hear the bit about Space Wolves, skip to 124:50 on the time bar. Although it will take a little while to load.

Anyway, go check out their excellent pod cast. I'm now an avid listener!

If you like what you hear, you can also follow them on Facebook.