So tried out a slightly different cron list that required 2 proxies, against my brothers BA/IG combo.

Destroyer Lord: Weave, Orb
Court: Veiltek(65), 2x Stormtek(50), ChronoTek(40)
10 Warriors: Night Scythe
10 Warriors: Night Scythe
20 Warriors:
20 Warriors:
5 Destroyers
Annihilation Barge  
Annihilation Barge  

Annihilation Barge         


(note: He took 2 primary detachments so that he could take 2 allied detachments, but forgot to make the guardsmen 2 platoons, oh well)

Lord Commissar
Lord Commissar

Platoon Command Squad
Guard Squad: Autocannon, Flamer
Guard Squad: Autocannon, Flamer
Guard Squad: Autocannon, Flamer
Guard Squad: Autocannon, Flamer
Guard Squad: Vox, Flamer



Aegis Line: Quad Gun


Librarian: Divination
Librarian: Divination

10 Tactical Marines: ML/Flamer
10 Tactical Marines: ML/Flamer

Storm Raven: Twin Linked Assault Cannon, TL Multi Melta
Storm Raven: Twin Linked Assault Cannon, TL Multi Melta

We rolled Kill Points, Dawn of War. My Warlord trait was useless, his made me use lowest LD if within 12" of his warlord. Crons win roll off and elect to go first

I deploy the Destroyers/Lord on one flank, the 2 blobs of 20 warriors in the middle, one with Imotekh and the Chrono, the other with a Vieltek. Lastly, an annihilation barge went on each side of warriors so i have one in the middle, one of the left, and one on the right.

Both Librarians get Misfortune(i reroll successful saves) and prescience(he rerolls failed to hits)

He castles up with the Aegis Line, Platoon blob w/ Platoon Command and Lord Com, and the Manticore/Executioner. One Librarian also attaches to the Blob. The Tacticals, other Liber, and the birds are in reserve, while for me both 10 man warrior squads with Stormteks in Scythes are in reserve.

He fails to seize, whew!

Cron turn 1
All Annihilation Barges move up to make sure they're in range, Imo+warriors move up, and the Veiltek+warriors veils up ~15" away from the IG lines on the left flank with the Destroyers.

Shooting the Lightning fries 3 IG. The one annihilation barge in range only manages to do a single hull point to the manticore as his cover saves are strong. Lastly my other annihilation barge manages to fry the Quad Gun! Veil+warriors run in case the Manticore or Executioner decides to get funny

IG/BA turn 1
No movement...

Shooting the manticore gets a disapointing 1 rocket, which scatters far far away from the barge he was trying to bust open. Autocannons and las lets rip into the Veil+warriors and downs 7 with the Prescience Power(he failed the First Rank Fire order on double 6s). 3 get back up. His Executioner shoots into the annihilation barge right in front of it and fails.

-Pretty quiet first turn, Imotekh's Lightning can hopefully continue next turn(3+ rerollable!). Really happy with the Quad Gun dead! On a side note: he is focusing on my barges a bit much with the wrong tools and this could cost him...that Executioner could glance on 6s... not exactly best thing for him to shoot at. Hopefully next turn neither of my fliers come in as I want to be able to have my fliers get the drop on his!

CRON turn 2
1 Scythe and Warriors in their Scythe come in, they show up on the right where the party is at. I go 36" then drop off the warriors+Stormtek. They scatter, and go right in front of the Executioner, perfect!. The AB's keep moving closer to put pressure on the Blob, Destroyers continue to scuttle down the flank and are now upper mid field with a good run roll.

Shooting I roll for Imo's Lightning and get a 1, but use my Chronoteks ability to reroll it, and get another 1! FAIL... Moving on, the Scythe pops the Manticore, the explosion even kills 4 IG from the blob. the Stormtek+Warrior squad rolls awesome and my bro doesn't, and so the Executioner gets poofed as well!. Rest of my shots from the 2 other AB's and the 2 blobs of Warriors go into the Blob and kill another 8, darn his cover saves lit up(i inflicted like 25 wounds...)

IG/BA turn 2

Reserves all 3 birds come in, and a Tactical Squad with Librarian walks on right in front of the Veiltek Blob. all 3 Birds go more or less in the center of the board.

Shooting he Misfortune's my Veiltek squad, but I Deny it! Go away Librarian! The Blob does get First Rank Fire this time, and teams up with the Tactical Squad to shoot into the Veiltek Warrior Squad. He rolls meh and when the dust settles and the flashlights stop shooting at me, i lost 7 Warriors. His Vendetta shoots into my Scythe and only manages to glance it thanks to Evade saving me from the penetrating hit! His 2 Storm Ravens target 2 different Annihilation Barges and knock a Hull Point off of one with only a glance, while the other is down 2 Hull Points and lost it's Tesla Destructor. Roll Reanimation for the 7 dead Veiltek Warriors and

-Great 2nd turn for me! Was able to neutralize both tanks before the birds came in exactly like I wanted, and I got lucky with some of his rolling combined with some of mine, which let me really get away easy on this turn, though boo hoo on the Veil Warriors Reanimation Protocols! Next turn the Destroyers will tackle the Tacticals and virtually everything else with try and neutralize the 3 fliers, if I can knock them out all that's left is the reduced blob and Tactical squad in reserve.

CRON turn 3

The last Scythe comes in and heads over to party in the middle with the 2 Ravens and Vendetta, beaming out the Warrior Squad on the way. The badly crippled Annihilation Barge goes Flat Out to try and get away from his guns and not give up a kill point, while the other 2 barges and all but the Veiltek Warriors and Destroyers gear up to try and down the Fliers. The initial Scythe has to Hover to get a good shot on the Ravens.

Shooting the Destroyers never fail to impress as they wipe out the entire Tactical squad and do a wound to the Librarian! The Warriors with the Veiltek decide they will shoot into the Detta and manage to do a Hull Point, the Annihilation Barge on that flank(the only undamaged one) wrecks it! (Freaking love Tesla). The exploding flier drops on the Veil Warriors and kills one. the Raven closest to the middle draws the fire of the other Annihilation Barge that still has it's Tesla Destructor left, the Scythe, Imotekh's 20 Warriors, and the newly arrived Warriors. The resulting fire, even though the Raven evades and rolls well, downs it 2 Hull Points and gets Velocity Locked. The other Raven gets hit by the other Scythe/Stormtek with Warriors, and loses a Hull Point, also Evading(initially had 4 glances and one penetrating but he only failed a single glancing hit...)

Assault the Destroyers attempt to assault the Librarian and finish him off but fail.

IG/BA turn 3

His last Tactical Squad comes in on the far right away from the destroyers. The wounded Librarian joins the Blob.

In the Shooting Phase for some reason he doesn't shoot at the destroyers... he pours more fire into the Veiltek squad, fails FRFSRF order, but still manages to kill 6 with bad saves on my part. He does manage to kill an Annihilation Barge with some good rolls, and his wounded Ravens manage to combined tackle the undamaged Barge.

-Well his Fliers are either destroyed or heavily damaged at this point, and I don't know why he brought in the Tactical squad right in front of the Destroyers and yet didn't fire at them(EDIT: he explained to me later he had thought them to be ap4). My Annihilation Barges are now either destroyed or useless, real shame but acceptable losses as I still have most of my warriors remaining. Their job will be to thin down the blob...

CRON turn 4

My last Scythe comes in 36" and drops off warriors ~18" away from the blob. Veil squad moves right in front of the Aegis (possible assault?). Destroyers move on the other flank as well, Imotekh's warrior squad moves up.

Shooting Imotekh's squad drops one Raven while both Stormtek+warriors drops the other! That leaves the Veiltek squad and Destroyers for the blob, which at this point is all he has left except for a Tactical squad in reserve. The Destroyers shoot into the blob but only manage to kill 3 as again his cover saves are strong.

Assault the Destroyers assault the Blob first to take the mass overwatch, which drops two. The Veiltek squad also assaults. His attacks are luckily few as by this point he has about 30 Guardsmen left. The Destroyers lose another one from the Guardsmen, taking them down to two, while the Veiltek squad loses 3. Destroyer Lord kills the Librarian in a challenge. Attacks back from the Destroyers and Warriors kill 8 more Guardsmen, they are now at roughly 20 man. He fails morale, even with LD10 Stubborn! I don't attempt to pursue him, and he falls back off the board. Victory to the Crons!

Final score is 13-4 Crons

-Well that went well, but I think most of it was simply him repeatedly making errors. His Executioner shot at my Annihilation Barge, needing 6s to Glance, when there was a 20 man Warrior squad right in front. He also ignored the Destroyers for the entirety of the game, and my D-Lord wasn't very useful...

I like Crons, and the D-lord usually does alot more than that! But on a sidenote: I love how well crons can deal with being able to drop his fliers relatively easily panicked him. I'll be posting a hobby update Sunday on how my Cron army has grown from being a wishlist and not actually having a single model, to quite a large army! Stay tuned!

Thoughts? Comments? Violent reactions? Post in the comment section below!