This week I have been mostly building Void Claws! I had to take a break from the Drop Pods, they were just depressing.

Wolf Guard Terminators are one of the easiest and most fun kits to make. I managed to build all of these in about an hour.

However, I do feel that the poses are a little bit limited. In hindsight, I would have got some more Lightning Claws from bits sites to vary up the poses and details a little.

I also made a start on the Stormfang kit, but have quite a way until I finish building that. Hopefully that will be done in time for next Monday's update?

Then I need to get back to building Drop Pods and fitting the Kromlech Sons of Thor backpacks to my Wolf Guard. The reason I haven't done the latter is because the cloaks and shoulder pads need quite a bit of trimming to neatly fit together. So it's quite a painstaking process.

So all I have left to do for my army are the Wolf Guard, Drop Pods and a Stormfang, then it will all be ready for painting!

But Adam, Does This Mean You're Not Taking Any Thunderwolf Cavalary?

Yes, you would be correct.

This is because I have chosen to create a themed Drop Pod force. I do realise that I will struggle against certain things, like Imperial Knights. But I'm confident that my Berserker Dreadnoughts and Combi-Melta waving Wolf Guard will be able to fight their way through.

While it may be a no-brainer to take Thunderwolf Cavalry, this simply isn't the type of army that I chose to build. Although I did begin work on this force BEFORE the latest Space Wolves Codex was available and Grey Hunter spam was still in fashion.

If I'd had a phat wadge of cash ready for when the new Codex dropped, then my army would look very different. It would probably be a Thunderwolf army with a Knight, Sicaran Tank, Stormfangs for back up, Berserker Dreadnoughts arriving via Drop Pod and maybe even Grimnar on his sled.

But does that sit well with me when it's such a massive divergence from what the Space Wolves army once was? Which was Grey Hunters and heroes rising from the ranks fighting tooth and claw. I think that's why I was keen to cling to the idea of an infantry based army, because historically, that's what the Space Wolves have always been about.

But I guess we'll just have to wait and see what the next Codex brings. With the increasing "Warmachine/Hordes" approach to Warhammer 40K, we could start to see themed armies returning and strengthened by the new Detachments. But that's a post for another time... next week perhaps!

Packing Up and Tidying Away

Meanwhile, due to the rapidly shrinking space in my hobby room as more plastic kits get built, I've began packing it all away into the KR Multicase that's been lying around for years.

This probably isn't the most effective use of space, but I like to make sure that my Terminators and Characters are well padded and secure.

I'll be doing the same for my new unit of Void Claws too.

My magnetised Dreadnought, along with the Dreadnought I bought already assembled on eBay (then swapped his axe for a hammer).

My Wolf Lord "Jorin Bloodhand" along with Arjac Rockfist, some Lone Wolves and my Ulrik The Slayer conversion.

A whole lot of Grey Hunters. Plus my Rune Priests.