Ok so over the weekend mistakes happened as Junior twisted my rubber arm to pick up the new GW Execution Force board game. With the new plastic Assassins and older chaos models within.

I was a bit reluctant to pick it up thinking it was just the Assassins there, but then saw the 15 cultists, 3 marines and chaos lord included and thought it wasn't that bad of a deal in the end.

I mean you look at the individual parts..

Chaos Lord - 15 GBP
3x5 Cultists - 3 x 6 GBP = 18 GBP
3 Chaos Marines - 6 GBP

So just the Chaos portion is going to be cost you 39 GBP. Granted they are the 3 snap fit Chaos Marines, and the Cultists that came in the Dark Vengeance boxset. Maybe showing that they threw together some enemies to the Assassins from the "Doesn't sell well" collections.. but still not a terrible thing.

Then you get into the fact that it comes with the 4 new assassins.. which going by normal trends of miniatures from GW they would be probably 15 GBP a piece as well.. so that is another 60 GBP to add to the 39 already mentioned. And your already at 99 GBP worth of product for a game that retails for 75.

And of course there is also the actual contents of the game to go with it all..

All in all it wasn't really that bad of a buy. Considering that the cards and rulebooks are made of good quality as well. And the box is going to last long enough to store the pieces in afterwards for a good period of time.

Ruleswise of the game it seems pretty straight forward. I think it will become a bit easy in time to  manipulate, but there is still the element of luck ( or misfortune depending on who you are ) that goes alongside it.

Obviously since I just picked it up I was tempted to assemble the models to go alongside it all.

And the plan was then to play a game. Though family time, spring cleaning, and a few bottles of beer on the May Bank Holiday created other plans... but this week a game will be had with junior and we will see how well it goes up and plays.

Though smart on GW ( or crafty ) in that they put some extra rules etc into this weeks White Dwarf Weekly magazine, and Visions. So a looksie at those are in order as well.

Don't expect paint on them anytime soon though.. that will be longtime coming at the moment as I really should crack on with other projects these days.. but at least with Junior he won't mind that they are in base plastics at this point.

Anyone else pick it up? And what are your thoughts on it?